As you see, this is not Crofter opening up the shrubbery - it is his deputy dogsbody instead. The last few days have been hectic. First fordward declined the crown and then Crofter found he was going...
Welcome to the fourth and final week in the reign of “Prince Philip” (aka centrino) to complete my month as the MM Links Setter – and hasn’t time flown? I only hope that I can...
Good morning everyone. I trust all is well on the other side of the world - so long as you are no longer having to dig yourselves out of a snowdrift every five minutes, then that's got to be an...
Welcome to the final week in the reign of “Prince Philip” (aka centrino) and I must say that he has been so easy to ‘manage’, that I have had a relaxing month and just left him...
Welcome to the third week in the reign of “Prince Philip” (aka centrino), when I hope to repeat last week’s wealth of points for sharp predictions. The weather continues to prove...
Good morning everyone - it's all decorum and best manners here today, none of the rabble from last week and Matron is under strict instructions !! Moving right along, we're well into the month and...
Well, time moves on and we are already in the third week in the reign of “Prince Philip” (aka centrino) and last weekend I thought that the MM game was absolutely perfect with lots of...
Get your motor running, get out on the highway...........errr, Matron, did you leave the lid off the happy pills cos she's got the Harley again and she's gone............................................
Welcome to the second week in the reign of “Prince Philip” (aka centrino). I have taken note of the experience of last week, when the game proved too open ended and my chosen links were...
ART-TRA Quiz Results A big thank you to everyone who bought one of these quizzes and particularly to those who gave extra donations above the pound asked. The quiz raised £290 for Kirkcaldy Art...
After a lads conversation in the pub we are at a loss. Can anyone tell us which Premiership and Championship football teams have NEVER won the FA Cup? Appreciate this as there are pints at stake...
Good morning folks - I'm afraid today's start is something of an anti-climax as there's been a bit of a hitch in proceedings and I do not have a copy of the crossword, hence no clues and no words....
Throughout the month of February, I shall be known on MM Links as “Prince Philip” (my birth name being Philip, although you will know me as centrino). I have been taking part in both MM...
The Regal Roslyn (aka roslyn251254) ended her reign in fine form to produce a “game of two halves”, since (with almost 40 players) the lion’s share of points went to the first 20 or...
Welcome to the Final Week in the reign of Regal Roslyn. As our involvement in swimming decreased, we developed more and more interest in our home and garden. Attending swimming training camps, league...
Good morning everyone - are any of you still snow-bound or is life coming back to normal ?? One of these days I might be brave enough to see what the long range weather forecast says for the remainder...
This will be the last round in the reign of The Regal Roslyn and over the last few weeks, I have learned to respect her for her complete dedication to any sport or pastime that she takes on board....
I am posting this on behalf of Roslyn because of a temporary fault in MY system! Welcome to Week [3] in the reign of Regal Roslyn as the story of my life in Derbyshire continues. As I mentioned in my...