not eating for a week is bad 4 you and i no all the problems you can have all i want to do is lose some weight. would just having dinner every day and nothing else help or not, even tho you dont get...
ok so you go dont eat 4 a week and you go into starvation mode but why does it say in magasins and books eg) my husband didnt eat and bla bla bla but he lost nearly a stone! so why is every one sayin...
im 13 years od and weigh 11 stone im quite worried about this as my other friends are all thiner than me. i find this really depressing and dont go out any more because im scared people look at me and...
you dont eat for a week you would lose weight and i no its unhealthy and you lose water and mucsles become fuel and all that but all i want to know is would you become thin even if you looked untoned...
you dont eat for a week and you would lose alot of weight and yes people say its unhealthy but atleast you loose wait and people say you will put weight back on put what if you just ate fruit and veg?...
im bout 5'4 and weigh 11st and only 13 yrs old but im quite solid built. im not good with diets and dnt really like exersice . but i drink abit of water would like help with this though.x
im 13 years old and weigh 11st i am quite solid but i really want 2 lose weight fast ive tried 2 throw up stop eatin and dieting but nothing works please help x