Why is it that only the Daily Mail is reporting on... It's much more than 'count delays' that need probing....
Both kids (2 and 4 years old) have had a stinking cough for a couple of weeks now, thought I'd better get them checked out as it doesn't show any signs of clearing. Phoned my GP this morning and asked... /// Article 57 of its constitution stipulates that it is a “duty of all”...
this is SO true...............!!
Do you think that the inhabitants on other worlds , suffer from the cultural and religous differences that we on earth do ( assuming that they have what we know as religion and cultures ) ? Or has...
The latest results from the British Social Attitudes survey reports that racial prejudice is on the increase in Britain :::
I want a station that plays mainly music, but not pop or country etc more alternative, indie, rock, 60s-70s etc i want to listen to it through the laptop too so it has to have that function any ideas?...
The present Heart Foundation advert has the "baby " saying that it may be given a rubbish name when born, i.e. Maisie, Rose or Pauline, I think this is an insult to any of us who have those names ( I...
First reaction is - yes it is. But on deeper reflection questions such as: What about those that work at night? Why penalize those that are careful and mature? What if a young Girl had a late...
I can guess the significance of the N word.........but despite reading the newspaper and asking various people......I cannot find the meaning of the G-word. I know it is politically...
We have posted via the red postboxes provided by Royal Mail, and now this has gone missing, contacted Customer Care, no profs of posting, simply didn't want to know after that...but surely if they... Curiouser and curiouser. This follows the news last week that one witness waived her right to anonimity. Apparently she had to do so because she had already sold...
Can't believe what's happening at Glasgow School of Art. There's been a major fire and the library and museum have been destroyed. Presume many pieces of unique CR Mackintosh art nouveau furniture...