I'm not sure whether the guy at the key and heel shop's stiffing me or not but i've noticed that the reheel and and resole aren't quite as long wearing as they used to be before the old owner passed...
required here I reckon. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/cyclist-level-crossing-near-miss-092710757.html?vp=1#xGFuXgT I am yet to fathom the mentality and mindset of cyclists, pedestrians and drivers who take...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2441293/Islamic-school-told-female-teachers-wear-hijab-regardless-religion-CLOSED-day-Ofsted-inspection.html Apart from the fact that the Islam religion could...
The Editor of the Daily Mail, Paul Dacre, has been accused of being a coward because he did not agree to be interviewed over the Ralph Milliband debacle on Newsnight Instead, he sent a deputy, Jon...
Can anyone suggest a good simple and reasonably priced DVD recorder/player with a hard drive, which allows me to speed dub items from off the hard drive and on to a DVD disk?...
http://news.sky.com/story/1149266/benefit-cap-families-in-high-court-challenge Seems Governments are not in a position to Govern, that is down to Solicitors and Courts then if they dont give the right...
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/09/28/yahya-jammeh-gambian-pres_n_4007882.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular Why should this odious person be allowed to spout his offensive and threatening rhetoric...
http://yougov.co.uk/news/2013/10/02/update-labour-lead-10/ Labour lead increasing, while Lib Dems floundering at 8%. UKIP still around 12%, again, not changed much in the last few weeks. Poll was done...
that the advert for the National Lottery changes is one of the most annoying ever?! I have had to mute the tv all the way through the adverts, as I cannot bear to hear it again!...
good morning everyone, see what you can do with this picture today
have a good day
Especially if you're a part of one of the greatest TV shows of all time. http://uk.tv.yahoo.com/emmy-winning--simpsons-character-to-be-killed-off-–-daily-tv-round-up-094339546.html Ok, apologies for...