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Just eight minutes before I log off and start my weekend - I hope you all have a good time whether at work or not
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I have just picked up remote for tv to send a text message and actually pressed the button till I realised what I was doing .
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hi i have an older relative who is living at home and has dementia. he likes to watch TV in bed, but has it on rather lound, than falls asleep with it on and the loudness disturbs the neighbour. The...
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Tuesday. Nippy out again. I'd like to be in Dublin today! Got things to do though. It's overcast, but not sure if it's going to rain yet. Just looked up out the window. It is. :o{ Such is life. Have a...
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I see you're fed up too! Miserable wet horrible day here.
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Anybody see that disgusting animal Kayne West and his gangster thugs on the Brit awards? What were they bleeping out? Was he saying the dreaded 'N' word? If so why wasn't he arrested?
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Hi, has anyone heard of a company called Meirin UK? I am selling my book Remembering Dementia: For the Love of Nellie on Amazon as Kindle versions and as paperback. I am selling the paperback at...
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Is it a Drinki Night & enjoying your favourite site? Is it a cup of tea with your slippers watching TV? Out to the Pub with your mates & the world to right? Mine starts at 7 45, OH Is out to see...
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At Christmas I never used them for presents. I very rarely use them for clothes. We have used them for sending flowers but were disappointed by their service. The only time we use them nowadays is for...
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Thursday. No frost this morning, it's dry and calm. Showing 4°C outside. A most enjoyable lunch yesterday at the Rose and Crown. The ambiance of the building was welcoming as soon as we walked...
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any? Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club,...
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thursday..still chilly here but snow has cleared.....hope it is better where you are too xx
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I'm looking at Sainsburys and Waitrose. What to expect, what to avoid - and as it all seems so easy, what could possibly go wrong?
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We had 'permit holders only' parking foisted upon as a few years ago and it's first come first served when the restrictions end (at 3.30pm). Is there ANY comeback for the inconsiderate ****s who take...
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Not bad this morning, It's dry / not cold, I am taking my beloved shopping to Accrington Market, how's that for being romantic? A bag of chips & a Pie, who said that was not romantic? you don't know...
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Steak and Chips for tea. It'll do.
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Washing machine's have clear doors and tumble driers have solid doors? I think it cuts down on the entertainment level in my abode:(
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back again after power going abruptly back of 8 am..apologies to GMEB for my sudden departure....gawd how much more of this is to come ? have spent the mrning cleaning windows with new window vax...
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To get a paper and milk.
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Ric.ror Particularly when considering what lifestyle...

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