Watching The Undateables last night and it got me thinking. There was one guy on there who suffered from a condition that resulted in huge tumours, mostly on his face and neck and was left severely...
I am a positive person by nature and always try and count my blessings. However, even though I congratulate everyone who announces their engagement and/or marriage, and genuinely wish them all the...
Will someone tell me why the moons gravitational pull is strong enough to manipulate and lift billions of gallons of water, but is unable to lift anything else. Please keep answer simple, I only have...
I have been married to my husband for four years and have a fantastic relationship with him - my true soul mate. I joined a new company a few months ago and have found myself attracted to one of the...
http://www.dailymail....d-2-women-jailed.html I suggested in a past thread that persons should now carry a 'MOT' type certificate to prove that they were free from sexual diseases, at that time it was...
what is sexy?
guys in the office are pitching it as a visual thing, I reckon it is more of an attitude, what do you find sexy?
Oh, gold hotpants and braces on fluff are a given....
q1 first place for turkeys(7) q2 where william married mary with a host of daffodils(8,2,6) q3 search for bread!(8) original home of a silver cross (5)thanks for any help
so after listening to NS's rather wonderful stripped-down vocal on these songs - I think she has possibly the most perfect face i have ever seen - what do you reckon? I don't mean that she's...
I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but... I'm in a relationship that is happy but dull. I've met someone recently that I would love to see more of. I suppose my ideal situation would be to...
Why is it that in some lesbian relationships, one tends to be 'butch' ie dress and act in a masculine way? If a woman is attracted to other women then why go for someone who tries to look like a man?...
There is one guy, he is on 4th year and i'm on 5th(last). He is working part-time in our computer class, playing football, maintains his site about football, and as I know he is participating in some...
There is a guy i like but i am not instantly attractied to him (in a physical way) But he is a laugh and is interested in me. Does it ever work if you are not attracted to him but his personality is...
Mine are 1 - Bath 2 - Canterbury 3 - York 4 - Winchester 5 - Oxford London's not applicable for as I was born, raised and still currently living there. What's yours?
I am becoming increasingly disillusioned with men. I met a lovely guy at our local medical centre - both of us were taking our children to the same doctor and got chatting. He sent me a text the next...
I have met someone who is funny, intelligent and caring. We can talk for hours on end and seem to have the same outlook on life and what we want. The thing is that for me there is no "spark". Do you...