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Weekend Moderation Reminder

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AB Editor | 12:00 Fri 15th Apr 2011 | Editor's Blog
248 Answers
Good Day Everyone!

These rules: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1006509.html

Still apply. It seemed to work last weekend although you may blame the sunshine (moonlight, boogie etc) for the reasonably quiet friday night...

Remember, be naughty this weekend and you'll be suspended.

The process from then on:

* Reviewed on Monday by editorial team
* Results in:
1>> 1 week suspension if the suspension was correct
2>> Reinstatement for those suspended "in error"
* Returning with another name during a suspension will see you excluded.
* Users will be reinstated the following Monday all going well.

Apologies to the majority of users who are, naturally, excellent to each other.

Also: Please, if you have any more suggestions for this: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1005647.html please air them soon!

Spare Ed


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<<<<It wasn't easy refraining from posting into AB.; especially this thread which may have given the Ed some further thoughts on matters.

In the meantime, I remain afraid of expressing any personal opinions for fear of failing to avoid a Mod going off their Rocker.>>>>>

That is a shame and defeats the object of an open and frank forum with a diversity of opinions and "characters" that a successful forum requires.

The Ed+team have made a decision and are sticking to what I consider to be a zero tolerance approach.

I do not criticize anyone who makes a decision, good or bad, my lack of tolerance is for the non-decision makers.
You don't like ditherers or 'sitting-on'the-fencers' sqad? I don't ....never have.
I find sitting on the fence has often given me splinters. I am far more decisive these days.
Bobbisox....I have now reached the stage of almost being afraid to answer anyone. In fact I am now thinking that I should just ask questions which can only have factual answers and refrain from becoming involved with open discussions; along with keeping my thoughts to myself.

Squad, I would be in favour of a zero tolerance approach; providing we are told of the reason for any suspension to which we are subjected. In fact I would wish everyone to know the reason for my suspension a few weeks ago; although' at this stage, I do not even know the reason. Consequently, I am fearful that I may repeat a misdemeanour of which I am unaware.

I have never been one to sit on the fence so do not have splinters in my arse. Although I admit that I may have sometimes been a pain in other folks posteriors.:-)

I find this difficult to grasp, the two notable suspensions bobbi and doc were not made because they had not done anything, it was certainly apparent to me why they were suspended, why does this cause such confusion that people dont know what to post anymore for fear of being suspended?

if a comment is deemed offensive it will probably be removed, again I cannot see what is wrong with that?
who has been suspended for no reason?
I've been posting as normal, and don't seem to have any problems.
I agree with caz and craft... really not seeing owt worth twisting my knickers over.
cazzz... You corresponded in the thread which involved my suspension. Perhaps you can explain to me what I really did wrong.

I'd just let it go's in the past.
your removal was not for no reason, your removal was as a result of continued posts re suspended/banned users, in this thread the Ed seems annoyed

Didn't you post a mini flounce over NazNomads suspension?

>>>>>if a comment is deemed offensive it will probably be removed, again I cannot see what is wrong with that?>>>>>>

and that is the problem...who decides what is offensive and who determines the degree of "offence" and the answer is the Ed and his team.

I have no problem with that, but there is little doubt that there is concern over that very point....what is offensive? Many ABers have voiced that opinion and will continue to do so until their concerns are addressed.

The rules are there....the Ed and team direct and implement those rules and that is the final arbitrant.

The concern stiil lingers.
Ron, Ed states in the rules and regs, he won't give reasons to individuals for suspensions. You're best just moving on and forgetting about it.
As the owner of this site I would say the buck stops at the Ed..
I think your suspension was for fairly obvious reasons Ron.
Question Author

I know we all like a good moan, but this is silly.

Anyone "scared to post" because of these rules should probably go have a cup of tea and a lie down in a dark room rather than visiting here or the blog to moan about it.

And Ron, drop it, your obsession with the running of the site (and bannings & suspensions in particular) is tedious.

All the best,

Spare Ed
Spare Ed,

If you are reinstated for being suspended "in error", I think you should buy that person a gift as compensation, what do you think? :-)
better pop the kettle on sqad..

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