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Weekend Moderation Reminder

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AB Editor | 12:00 Fri 15th Apr 2011 | Editor's Blog
248 Answers
Good Day Everyone!

These rules: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1006509.html

Still apply. It seemed to work last weekend although you may blame the sunshine (moonlight, boogie etc) for the reasonably quiet friday night...

Remember, be naughty this weekend and you'll be suspended.

The process from then on:

* Reviewed on Monday by editorial team
* Results in:
1>> 1 week suspension if the suspension was correct
2>> Reinstatement for those suspended "in error"
* Returning with another name during a suspension will see you excluded.
* Users will be reinstated the following Monday all going well.

Apologies to the majority of users who are, naturally, excellent to each other.

Also: Please, if you have any more suggestions for this: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1005647.html please air them soon!

Spare Ed


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Blimey, that was quick! Now I'll never know who Dan the Tran is.
can anyone explain why that post was removed ?
Kn0bby must be getting frustrated that no one really gets to read his posts before they vanish...
I can only think that it was a troll (The clue is in the user name).
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and there he was - gone again
oops.. missed it!
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how do abers actually know who this aber is?
He's probably just refilling his glass..........(ab)normal service will be resumed shortly.
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I came here to mock................w'happen ?
my word so ummm's a baddy, what a crock of broccoli. the rules are so simple even i have no problem in understanding them
Question Author
This is all very interesting. We've implemented these strict and simple rules because users were complaining about the lack of a clear structure to suspensions.

Now however it seems that you'd like us to go back to our more "human" approach, Sqad has in fact asked that some should be exceptions!

We're trying something new. Not everyone is going to like it, certainly those unable to work within the rules. If it "doesn't work" or it becomes problematic to continue it's implementation then we may alter our plans, but for the moment we're going to continue using this system - it's only been two weeks after all...

All the best,

Spare Ed
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What she said
some people will always find themselves unable to follow the rules, so it doesn't really matter what the rules are, they'll still be walking that last mile to the gallows.

It seems to me to be working fine.
Perhaps it is now safe for me to breathe normally, because the weekend has passed without my being suspended.

It wasn't easy refraining from posting into AB.; especially this thread which may have given the Ed some further thoughts on matters.

In the meantime, I remain afraid of expressing any personal opinions for fear of failing to avoid a Mod going off their Rocker.

Only hope I haven't said something here to upset anyone.

I know how you feel Ron.:-)..
treading very carefully myself now, just answering I think is the best , for me, anyway

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