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Ab's New Year Resolutions

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AB Editor | 09:25 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | Editor's Blog
228 Answers
Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope we're all feeling refreshed and ready to face the great sparkling potential of 2014.

I've not made any resolutions this year - not yet anyway.

I wondered if you'd like to make some for me, and the site in the general.

What direction would you like the site to go in over the next year?

What do you think we could do better over the next 12 months?

What's missing from AB?

Any suggestions and ideas welcome, as long as you're not too rude about it :)


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Ed, you don't look the same without your rod, that should be your new years resolution - to get it back!!
17:00 Thu 02nd Jan 2014
Replacing words with other words is, and always, was a ridiculous idea and still, understandably, causes confusion. Back to the stars!!
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Mods editing posts is a bit tricky. Fine most of the time, but when it goes wrong it could go horribly wrong :)

Most of the time it would be just tidying up someone else's unfortunate typos - that would be useful.
Asterisks are good, replacement words simply mean - we all know what you really said.

I did not mean that the Mod could rewrite the post, but it is a shame to see a post in LP and know it will be gone in 5 minutes because of a lazy use of an expletive or derogatory term in the header.

Worth an ask I suppose.
I don't think that's a very good idea. The spelling police cause enough trouble as it is.... people get very upset if their spelling and grammar is criticised, let alone altered!
Good grief no, not correcting typos...I did not mean that.

Mods editing posts is a dangerously slippery slope. It is not unknown for mods to abuse their position.
//replacement words simply mean - we all know what you really said. //

I don't.
Fair enough.
It is not unknown for mods to abuse their position

Really...............I wouldn't have thought they would still be a mod if that were to happen.
the preview function before you submit would be good *some* people make silly typos......
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I've made the change to the word filter. We'll see how we get on with the stars for a while.
Me neither.
Yes, if you know that to be true - then report them Naomi.
Cross-posted. ^^ That was in response to Craft.
Mr Ed:

**"No New Poster should be allowed to post on AB until you have firstly viewed the Question and/or the Answer beforehand."

I don't understand this bit?**

I think he means YOU personally. Newbies to have to go through security at the hands of the Ed before their first post appears.

But actually trolls typically start off with a harmless Q or A then lie low for weeks before pouncing, so I doubt it'd work.

I quite fancy myself as an apostrophe mod. I could go through taking out all the unwanted ones, then take them home and plant them and see if they grow up into nice little exclamation marks and suchlike.
I'd prefer it is some styles of "questions" were kept to Facebook (as they are just chat sessions for groups of friends) , or emails. they're exclusive, and that's why I don't often post anymore. if I post, I'm ignored.
Hi,Ed.Any comment about my post of 11.14am?
oh sarah13, I always read your posts!
'' we will not be naming mods '' I actually respect most of the mods who are 'up front' about their status, were I a mod ( I know ED that is the silliest thing I have ever posted ) :) id be quite happy to inform abers of my modship, :)
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Thanks for expanding Redman's point a bit Jno. I don't think we can really do that. And you're completely correct about the patterns of any serious trolls.

We could try and do more about the spammers I suppose - someone suggested suspending the sign-up process between midnight and 4am. I am still worried about excluding people however...

Naomi, I can't see why you would keep it a secret from me? Feel free to drop me an email naming and shaming. Otherwise you're just adding a bad air to the proceedings.

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