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Drumming Up More Members For Ab

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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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Of course it needs planning and sharpening. That’s not a reason to dismiss it without consideration.
I'm not dismissing it, but internet advertising is notoriously fickle and it is very difficult to get your message across in milliseconds (which is how much time people's eyes alight on an advert).
'It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, whether they’ll stay or leave'

Then, once you've got past that hurdle:

I'm a simple soul so don't understand the inability of functioning adults to deal with abuse, not banter or disagreement, on something that can be switched off instantly.

Maybe there should be a crash course for the timid.
'Maybe there should be a crash course for the timid' There is, it's called playtime at junior school. Thrive or just survive.
douglas, some ABers rely on this site for companionship, reassurance and crosswords. Why should they switch off because other ABers don't know how to behave?
Because the majority can cope, Barry?
Totally agree with 1ozzy at 8.25.
I only think that happens when people post 'opinions' or spam rather than questions, Shirl.
I can understand the owners may desire it but why do ordinary ABers want more members? Stuff gets answered, &there seems to be a wide spread of social & political groupings. I'm not aware that I am feeling a lack of numbers.
They could do a rework of the infamous Cadbury Smash ad

For AB - get Smashed

I've seen posts on FB telling folks about the site.
How many members does AB actually have at the moment?
'why do ordinary ABers want more members?'

Because without them the site might not survive (at least that's the impression I'm getting from the recent Ed posts).
barry.........the sanitization of AB occured or was brought into force about 8 years ago by public demand and since then AB has gradually but perceptively declined. We are still getting the "Wild West" episodes still persist.

The decline of AB is ireversable I'm afraid as it has not taken into account the diversity of personalities needed in a website which was not clear in which direction it should move.
I joined initially for the quizzes, crosswords, and light-hearted banter, but have watched it slowly graduate into a left-wing, anti-tory, and hate-filled, anti-Brexit mouthpiece. Very tiresome, with the usual suspects posting the same drivel over and over again.

I take a look at the Latest Posts section when I log in, just to see if there is any semblance of fun or humour in the list, which sadly, there seldom is.
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Maggiebee, the number of members does not reflect the number of people who actively use the site.
Anti-Tory? That party is well represented and supported on here, oddly enough by anti-Labour members.

In between there are normal people so all in all a rounded assembly.

SQAD, "barry.........the sanitization of AB occured or was brought into force about 8 years ago by public demand"
Not "five" or "ten" but "eight".

What happened about eight year ago then?
If they do want Ads on the internet
but the costs are prohibitive.
They should put the Ads on here.
Problem solved.
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^Haaaa! Very good. :o)

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