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Drumming Up More Members For Ab

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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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gromit, I think "multiple users" means at the same time.
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Gromit, you’ve seriously trailed someone to that extent? That’s sad, it really is.
When I first joined there were lots of questions about connecting video recorders to televisions, setting up home PCs and connecting peripherals, the sort of pc to buy, wifi problems, using the software.
Now computer equipment is so familiar to all of us and is much less complicated or scary than it was.
There were 'how to' questions about DIY, car maintenance and now we can just watch a tutorial on YouTube and follow step by step instructions about almost everything.
AB is competing with dedicated specialist forums about health issues, parenting, hobbies, crafts, sports, legal problems - if you have a long standing issue or interest I can guarantee there will be a forum for it. Not to mention 'google' - type any question in the search box and usually you will get a meaningful answer.

It is hard to pinpoint what AB is and the appeal to us long term members. I have no idea how to pitch an advert for this site
Gromit, why? And that timeline proves absolutely nothing
Rather like the Daily Telegraph, AB’s readership is elderly. And old people die. We seem to be losing members quicker than we are attracting new ones.

Certain sections cause the most trouble. Perhaps the new owner could experiment with closing some sections at problematic times such as weekends?
Then posters would post the same questions in other sections - remember when B&S was used as a 'chatterbank'?
I do, TCL, and as a result troll accounts like mynameisluca and curlygirlies have been removed. And not forgetting APG who couldn't speak English (that's why she fluffed up her French, innit) but could speak fluent Yorkshire.


Unnecessary to this thread and so transparent. She just can't help it! Laughable
Is it a compulsion?
Sometimes turning ones back is best.
I wish I could speak fluent Yorkshire I don’t know what it is but by heck love it sounds mint
ee bi eck ma its parky!
//I don't know anyone with multiple user names. There is zero evidence as far as I can see. One poster seems to think I'm about 5 different people but if they looked closely at the content and the lack of bowlock dropping they'd see I am not.//

^ Not your best regional accent, me old China.
//Maggiebee, the number of members does not reflect the number of people who actively use the site.//
Maybe the drive should be to encourage existing members to use the site rather than drum up more members?
Aye it is verry parky Tora . Is soow coold uz fingers ar droppin off.
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Maggiebee, since people who haven’t been around for a while sometimes reappear, I get the impression that those who have lost interest for whatever reason are emailed occasionally - but I don’t know.
I was gonna post crackin’ instead O’ word mint but didn’t wanna confuse any dimmies

What an excellent post.

I agree that with all the on-line forums and Google, why should anybody want AB, as almost all replies have a link to a website, whether it be appropriate of completely inappropriate.

AB is just CB with a flurry of Crosswords and a sprinkling of peripheral subjects.

SQAD, you posted yesterday, "the sanitization of AB occured or was brought into force about 8 years ago by public demand and since then AB has gradually but perceptively declined."

What happened eight year ago?
You do yourself a disservice Sqad.
Your medical knowledge is very good, and many users appreciate it. The same for some other members with specialist knowledge. AB can be very useful and very good.

AB goes wrong by trying to be social media. It isn’t, News and Chatterbank are just echo chambers, the same old people pushing conspiracy theories and half truths. Frankly, it is often very dull and a waste of time.

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