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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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No one wants the bitchfest? But then,"I would hate to be a neighbour of yours" ?
Pimples, I know who you are and you know who you are, and yes, I would NOT like to be a neighbour of AA , justsayin
Not been any trouble on here for a few weeks now.Very strange that it seems to be going that way tonight?
Really? I don’t see in any trouble
Oh for goodness sake.....
Pimplyteen at 20.08.
//Not been any trouble on here for a few weeks now.Very strange that it seems to be going that way tonight?//

Are you being serious? Where were you last Saturday and the one before?

Personally I haven't seen any trouble as yet but the night is still young.
Agree bobbisox, am sure of at least 2 banned /suspended posters that user as been (and they werent teenagers!) and maybe its only a matter of time before history repeats itself. But theres others to whose been banned/suspended before and allowed back , maybe everyone deserves another chance if answerbank is really struggling for members. Theres quite a few who are just OTT/arrogant especially in news but maybe we should just ignore or humor them, but hey seem to generate replys so maybe AB feels it needs them.
Theres lots of good things about AB, tho unlike some I'm not dependant on it 18 hours a day but i'd miss 'bobbin' in and out if it did go
Question Author
For goodness sake! I posted this thread in good faith in an effort to invite positive comment but here we go again. The same half a dozen people dragging the same ancient animosity from thread to thread and, as usual, it taints everything it touches. Time you lot grew up and realised that this site is not all about you - any of you.
Bobbin, I’m happy ( well not literally ) to post on AB, it’s been good to me especially of late
I think I’ve made my point lol. Sorry Naomi for interrupting your thread .
Naomi really? Did you want all apple pie and ice cream posts? Sorry with such a post, it was always going to attract negatives and positives
I’ve nothing more to add!
I'd hate to see an influx of teenage posters on here filling the site with their drivel. Advertising may attract the wrong sort of person.

"Yea man, it was well sick. Lol."


Most of the people who find this site are googling for an answer to a question and that's what this site is all about. The CB facility is just a tiny part of it.

Question Author
No it wasn’t, Bobbi. This thread is about potentially advertising AB to encourage growth. It is not about you or your mates or your enemies.

If you have any thoughts on encouraging new membership they will be very welcome here.
Perhaps they could start advertising on social media.
‘Need an answer, got a question come to answer bank’
It has to be short and catchy attention grabbing
I think it would be quite prudent to improve the content of the site. Regular topics / threads / features should be actively encouraged and promoted.

Many moons ago I posted about a wine and the ED (many, EDs ago) asked if I would make it a regular post every Thursday in Food & Drink. I did for a while and Dave did a few WOTW threads too. A busy life has stopped me from resuming this in recent times but it's that sort of thing that will encourage new people to join when they stumble across the site.

I wish my friend from work posted on here about her fabulous finds at the Car boots. She once bought 100 hand-written letters by one of the Krays and paid £350 for them. She sold one single letter for the same amount of money, Lord knows what she got for the other 99.
^ Trouble is, they won't get an answer and that's the problem. Customer expectations won't be met.
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