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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 18:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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//Can one of the mods remove the Whoo hoo post then://


It's a long thread so I'm not removing it but I will ask the Editors to amend the title.  If it was posted after the new request was issued and the mods missed it, so be it.  No one is perfect and it's not the end of the world.  

"Why don't you complain to Teacher......because that approach has worked so well for you in the past.🙄"

that's kind of the point though... teacher ain't here. 

^ and too many personal antipathies, whether current or historic which results in a lot of digs at various posters

For goodness sake, it is pitiful to see adults effectively crying “S’not fair”.   Are we at “I’ll  scqueam and scqueam and scqueam until I am sthick” level yet or should I pop back later for that?!

I just posted my own Whoo Hoo thread, guess what?

Was that because you were being a contrarian, TTT?

You have already been told that gullivers Whoo Hoo was missed at the time of posting but because it is quite long, it will stay.



Why TTT?  Just why?  You tell us constantly how intelligent you are but nothing I've seen from you here bears that out.

sorry did the spare ed actually say that threads which do not comply with the above will be deleted? or is it simply a request or addendum to etiquette? i cannot see anything in the post which actually threatens removal for posts that use abbreviations or nicknames (which would actually leave "whoo hoo" completely permissible...)

have mods been told to remove posts in news which use abbreviations or nicknames?

i ask because we are forever told that mods do nothing more than enforce Site Rules... but here we have something that is actually not in the Site Rules at all being treated like it is one.

i reckon we should just admit that the mods decide what's permissible on an ad hoc basis and forget the whole thing

another example...

we were told in april that hate speech would have no place on the answerbank. i saw several posts during the recent riots that i would consider to be hate speech... and i have also been accused of posting it myself. no answer came regarding what "hate speech" is and the statement has effectively been ignored.

let's just admit the rules are made up day to day and none of us will any longer be tormented by the illusion of consistency!

We all know how "difficult" it must be to miss threads that are quite long and spot other threads within seconds of being posted don't we? 

untitled, the SpareEd has asked that members 'please ensure'.  It's a thankless task I know - the hours are long, the salary non-existent and the benefits rotten - but the mods are doing their best to 'ensure'.  

but it isn't a rule naomi. and the "please ensure" refers surely to question authors.

are moderators just there to enforce Site Rules or do they just do what they think is best from moment to moment? i suspect the latter... and if so then that is fine. just admit it and stop pretending!

I think it was perfectly obvious what TTT was going to do, Togo.

The moment it popped up in Latest Posts it would have been marked for removal.

He has form for childish petulance.

are you a moderator jackthehat?

-- answer removed --

untitled, actually I object to that.  I don't pretend.  I said this on page 1.  //They're just members of this website who give their time for free in an effort to keep it as pleasant as possible.//

Might be.....might not.

I have always found that the idea that I might be has struck sufficient terror into the hearts of my detractors for them to be unfailingly deferential to me.

And long may it continue....

and what could make things more pleasant than swatting away a few of your bugbears eh? ;)

i get it! it's nice to be a big fish in a small pond. very nice indeed.

Gulliver. Do not make personal attacks. Thank you.

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