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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 18:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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TTT, not so.  It was the Eds that decided to give them a username to interact with ABers. You will have noticed they only use that username to mod,

TORATORATORA, "15:52 ironically that rule is broken by the secret mod accounts anyway."

"Do not abuse the AnswerBank’s registration procedures and attempt to acquire multiple usernames, *******unless approved by an editor.******" [emphasis added]

even as we speak TCL is doing a hatchet job on the News section.

And we have a perfect example of over modding in News with a mod taking exception to the word 'SPARE' for Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex despite all the press using it and also Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex using it himself.

The problem with 2, maybe three mods is the interpretation and not using any common sense.  Mind you, we know one nit picks and has no sense of lateral thinking whatsoever.

I do think though the majority of mods do an excellent job.  Including Mr Hughes.๐Ÿ˜

I see TCL is deleting the evidence of his incompetance again.

Are you still sucking your bruises and running to the Editor(s), TTT?

We have been asked to make the titles clear in our OPs, if you can't, or won't, stick to that I think you must expect to be sanctioned.

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I didn't mean to start a flame war - honest๐Ÿ™„

//We have been asked to make the titles clear in our OPs//

For goodness sake the word "Spare" was used by the Duke himself.  

How much clearer do you want it?

have a day off JTT this is clearly subjective modding. No one is that dim. What am I supposed to do?

You are supposed to follow the rules and guidelines as you have been repeatedly advised.

It's really not difficult.

So JTH, the Duke should never refer to himself as "Spare" then?

Best you go tell the publishers to stop his book then.

TORATORATORA, you've been reminded multiple times about needing to use correct names in News and I'll be deleting them in future without asking you to re-post.

As you have often stated, "It ain't rocket science"!

Stop being obtuse, ymb.

On this website we have been advised to make our OPs clear. And TTT fails to do that will boring, contrary predictability.


If the Duke himself uses it then surely it is a "correct name" though.

Or do you know better than HRH?

Could we call Prince Harry "Spare" elswhere or is it just news?

13:20 I am but the rules are not applied equally to all. Others can post things like "whoo hoo" as a thread title in news that's fine, I use the word "spare" to refer to Prince Harry who also refers to himself and is well known throughout the world as "spare" yet TCL picks on it. TCL is doing Bias modding, no question. He picks on me because I have ignored his knitpicking contrarian drivel for years. If you think that is ok then you are also part of the problem.

I am not being obtuse.

As you say "we have been advised to make our OPs clear." well just how can you claim it is not clear when the Duke himself used it as the name on the book to describe himself?

3.2 million copies of it were sold an it was discussed by many more millions in the Media both social and main.


From my understanding, we can call him Spare elsewhere in the conversation, just not in the title or main OP. It makes it easier to understand.

so why does the "Whoo Hoo" thread remain?

Can I also post threads with that title?

TTT, I think that was posted before the new request was issued.

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