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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 19:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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//From my understanding, we can call him Spare elsewhere in the conversation, just not in the title or main OP. It makes it easier to understand//

Well 3T's original post was clear enough to me. Must be some very dim people around if they couldnt understand the reference...

prince harry is called "spare" (by himself) in every bookshop in the country lol. 

of course the editor's post in news is a request and not a rule... and we see moderators enforcing it like it is one. i have also been complained at by one moderator for perceived "rudeness" over posts that also did not break the rules. 

It is the perfect illustration of why there is unease about some of the moderating. There was no justification to close a thread because Harry was called The Spare. He calls himself that! It was just an opportunity gleefuly seized by an over officious minion. 

Nope, new rule 21/8 "whoo hoo" posted the next day but that must be ok then. So can I do that too?

The new guideline was introduced so that anyone, new or old, passing-by could see at a glance what the thread was about.

TTT is only complaining because he won't stick the rules but thinks it is unfair when he gets called-out for it.

That is a bit thick as far as I am concerned.

13:32 that was to naomi: "TTT, I think that was posted before the new request was issued."

JTT: "TTT is only complaining because he won't stick the rules but thinks it is unfair when he gets called-out for it." - no I am complaining at the subjective application of the rules. It's ok though because now we just have to start a thread with "Whoo Hoo" and it's fine, that'll really make it clear what we are talking about.

Yes, dear, you keep pointing out the Whoo Hoo thread. That completely exonerates you from ever having to do something as mundane as doing as you have been asked.


As we all know the rules now and the "whoo hoo" was a one-off, it should not be repeated.

it is quite amusing that "abbreviations or nicknames" are wrong but literal gibberish is fine lol

besides the post in news is not actually a site rule is it? it is a request and does not say for example that posts which fail to meet this will be closed and deleted. 

I just want the rules applied equally. TBF the other mods do but TCL is biased. Is it wise to make a nitpicking contrian a prefect?

Can one of the mods remove the Whoo hoo post then:



Will there be a memorial service when the whole edifice collapses on itself and

Will the office equipment be going cheap?

Asking for a start up

I didn't see the thread where it happened but from what I can gather it was an inadvertant slip-up by TCL which revealed his mod-ship.

So, now he has handed you another stick to beat him with. He often disagrees with you and for that you have dubbed him a contrarian, now you can criticise him for his modding, or things you have presumed him to have modded.

Tou could do with growing a) a thicker skin, and b) up.


"now you can criticise him for his modding" - biased modding.

" He often disagrees with you and for that you have dubbed him a contrarian" - we have not had interaction for years, he is a nitpicking contrarian to everyone.

Yes, dear.

Why don't you complain to Teacher......because that approach has worked so well for you in the past.πŸ™„

The site has too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. 


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