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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
oh dear, that's awful, neti. Such a silly accident. Died while cleaning the house. It will never happen to me, I can promise.

Lordy, it's a blizzard out there, I feel like Captain Oates venturing into the whiteout. On closer inspection it seems to be the fluff from the poplars but it's inches deep in some places.
That's tragic Neti .Poor woman .
It's been lovely here today ,warm sunshine all day in spite of Accu saying it was going to be cloudy .
What an awful thing to happen neti.

Hmmmpphh...not a glimmer of sunshine here, just dull and chilly. I had half an hour outside but it wasn't enjoyable.
Oh my goodness Neti, that's awful.
We have had some sun here. Difficult day, Rab has decided he can't get into the car and won't let me lift him. I think its the shoulder as its a long stretch upwards. Spent today coaxing and praising and finally got him in where he was quite happy...Its no big deal but he does get bored in the house and likes to ride in the car. I worry, as you do, that its nothing worse, fairly sure its not but you do worry, also with Sis here its nice to go out and do things, she understands but I don't want her to be bored.....and then I got stress stomach which is stupid and doesnt help. Arggggh. Sorry moan over.
Poppies do flop about, I love them but they need room to me. I am trying growing sweet potatoes this year in one of those potato bags.
Red flowers sound very dashing Neti. That thorn thing sounds nasty.
Waves to Shaney and Lottie and Robi. Robi I will send you some sun.
Waving back atchya Woofy and sis and woofers .
Hope Rab soon feels better .
Goodnight all .
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2.02 am here just going to bed. Have been wining and dining and had a lot of fun. I wore the boho wedding dress and I liked it. Lovely to sit on the pavement cafe at night and not be hot or cold. I could have danced all night, well didn't actually dance at all but would have!
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Poor Rab he must feel uncomfortable. Bless!
it is sunny out there but the forecast says if I blink it will go away. I have a sore head. I used to get them by drinking but now it's just by too much photoshopping, which is less fun.
Morning all...going to be milder (so they say) but if we want wall to wall sunshine it looks like we'll have to get the biddy bus out and head off up to Blackpool. I wonder if it's changed much since we last went,_Blackpool,_Lancashire,_England,_ca._1898.jpg

Don't worry woofy, we'll give poor Rab a leg up....haven't you got a dog ramp?
Morning all
Lovely day here so far .Warm and sunny turning cloudy later though according to Accu .Hope you're all ok.

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Afternoon all. Very overcast and strange weather. Had a lovely night last night, it appears that we three ladees had a bottle of champage each, the full sized ones. I do not like champers but when that is all there is , I have it. My best friend was there with her cousin who owns a race horse called Greygold and it keeps winning so not very good odds, not that I understand any of it. Was interesting to hear of how they are looked after . Then we had the fatal hierbas, gets me going, not that there was anywhere to actually go. We went down the new paseo and had another bottle of champagne, met and had alaugh with some other friends and gaily staggered home at whatever o'clock.
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Mr N and me wearing the boho dress that I got for the wedding. That is a bruise on my arm!
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Obviously Mr N and I are not wearing the dress together!
That's a lovely picture Neti .I like the dress.
It's not warm enough here for wearing anything like that though .As predicted it's clouded up after a lovely morning and the chilly east wind is blowing in off the sea .
Double bill of the Americans here tonight btw .The last two episodes of this series .I see there's going to be a third series .I wonder if Martha will at last realise that Clark wears a wig :)
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I think I've seen of the Americans now, quite good ending but surprising.

Getting chilly here now, am goinf to put on the dreaded leggings and sweatshirt. NOT LEOPARDSKIN LEGGINGS!!

Lovely pic isn't boho dress weather here either, the sun popped out to say hello and left again. I've been tipping out old compost from tubs, stubby blackbird (no tail) was thrilled with the two fat worms I found for him to feed his family with.

I've got a rotten sinus headache, I s'pose it's the extra degee of warmth wat dun it.
Pretty dress Neti....does anyone else get some "suspect" images underneath though in the "other pictures you might like"?
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Peeing down here... just as hija started working as a waitress in the mariner! She's hopefully off to Dubai on July 10th.

I never look at "other images" woofy, apart from you lot other people's photos don't interest me!
We were meant to go out again tonight and tomorrow for paella lunch , but I am too tired and if I had to drink champagne again I'll go mad, really do not like it. I'm sure these others only do it for effect!!

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