Crosswords6 mins ago
My friend needs some good advice! After they purchased there adorable kitten 'Rocky' they notice the cat sneezing and greenie slime coming from it's nose. Took to the vets inform it had slight cat flu...
Has anyone bought one of these? I don't have anywhere to put a cat flap so want somewhere for my cat to be able to shelter during bad weather when I'm out all day. Seen them on a few sites online but...
I'm quite concerned about my cat. She had a temperature of 104, wouldn't eat or drink or days. The vet gave her an antobiotic jag which did nothing, and then a corticoid jag which managed to bring her...
What do others recommend dry food or meat for there dogs? At the moment hes had to go on shredies because it only thing that don't go right through him but obviously he ain't getting all the goodness...
My cavalier king charles spaniel is 5 years old in August and has had a limp for about a month . There was no injury i can think of and the leg looks and feels ok .He is in no obvious pain . He seems...
hi, i have two male rabbits who do get on fine, however ive just gone to clean their hutch out and noticed that one has had his fur chewed off[quite a lot actually] ,on watching them the other is...
hi. i have a 11 year old tom cat who is not very well, got problems with his liver and thyroid which are being treated by the vet. my problem is that for about a year another cat keeps coming into my...
I am just coming to the end of reading this book and the tears poured last night as it brought back memories of my boxer who was put to sleep last year. I didn't realise a film was being released when...
Please can anyone give me some advice! Our 5 year old Bichon developed a rash in June 2008. We have taken him to the vets for test and a couple of hundred pounds in medication. A year down the line...
welsh mountain pony looking poor lost weight over winter need suggestion a feed to bulid him up
Hi All, My little Westie pup is now six months old, and before when travelling in the car he was small enough to sit on my lap (im a passenger!), now he's too big and its dangerous. We've tried...
Ma Gfish is swiming fast and upside down and then just floating for a bit......its jobbying loads!!!! is it just constipated?
Has anyone used this product to stop their cat urinating in inappropriate places and did you find it effective? Would you recommend the spray or the diffuser? Many thanks.
My dog barks at anyone entering room, even family. He is very protective of me. Also outside / noises etc - Any easy way of stopping this
I recently made the awful mistake of getting my chins some food that was full of treats. Although they ate a reasonable amount of the pellets, they were certainly gettig too mant treats into them....
my dog sometimes makes noises of having problems with breathing will start shaking and look quite vacent this will last about 1 or 2 minutes he his 8 years old
This might sound odd, the last two nights my little sod, ASBO has been followed home by a little black and white female. Tonight when I was trying to coax him in, he ran up to her and rubbed his face...
Hi, My middle aged cat seems to have a skin problem, first of all we noticed she was licking herself quit a lot, and upon inspection her skin was very rough and covered in little red spots, treated...
Help needed! I've tried opening her mouth, but having arthritis in my hands I cannot do it. My friend managed to giver one lot, but had his fingers nearly bitten through, and dose't want to try again....
any ideas on what im likely to pay for stitches etc for my cat. she has been attacked by a monstrous cat that keeps coming round our house and it was swollen up then the scratch burst so we cleaned it...