Morning was sunny and now t'aint
I don't want any viruses, I'm having enough bovva one way or another, slept like a real baby last hardly at all....stomach griping, feet felt like they were in an ironing press and tinnitus in full volume surround sound :o(. At one point it was like one of those radio competitions where they scramble a dozen tunes together but without the melody...I did try to break it down & I came up with the London undergound, Niagara, mosquitos, dripping taps and rain down a drainpipe. I think I'm replaying all the noises I ever heard. I'm really looking forward to tonight, I think it's nails on blackboards and pneumatic drills.
Have a lovely time tonight shaney, you deserve a good night out...oh, she can't hear me, she's tuning up for the karaoke...