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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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lovely picture, Lottie!
Had long walk in the sun and feel slightly better now. Thanksjno for those links, I will search for those films, look good!

Lovely piccy Robi, now i understand!

They are showing "The Iron Lady" at our local cinema this week in English, so may go and see it, on the other hand I have it on computer already!! Can't wait to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" hopes it comes here soon.
Hi folks
Bit dull here but very mild .I'm trying to summon up the enthusiasm to do some household engineering .I missed prince Charles too and I'd polished my tiara specially :)
I've got the book of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Neti .It was a freebie with the Sunday Telegraph a couple of weeks ago .Haven't read it yet though .
Hope you are all Ok ...must show willing and get the vacuum cleaner out ,see you later .
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Lottie that's a lovely picture. I have baked full everything brownies today for a treat. My lovely MWD has dropped off a bag of cooked chicken skin for the boys which is in a slow oven crisping up nicely. I am going to put a turkey stew in the slow cooker and nap I think. Nice solicitor man has sorted out my paperwork and arranged to courier it to the US for me so that's all sorted.
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Ps I household engineered yesterday :-)
I've done one bedroom and I'm cream crackered .Have to stop for tea.
I can't go from top to bottom in one hit like I used to and this place has more nooks and crannies than grannies bonnet.
That's you and me both shaney, I've only done a bit of Flashing and I'm done for...I tell you, this liquid stuff's not up to much, it makes your arm ache so much more than the old powder did 30 years ago. :o)
Yes why did they discontinue Flash powder ? If I had known I would have stockpiled .When I peg out they would find fifty packets of it under the sink .
Bit like Mothers Robin Starch .I think she was waiting for mangles to come back in :) Flash powder was brilliant .I used it for all sorts .
Just managed to open lottie's piccy, its lovley, just like my dog Benji that I had in 1970, awww,

Been sunbathing, hija started work in a yacht office, locally and has english office hours, way too short for my liking, she comes home for lunch and back here again at 6.00. Can't get anything done, well not after my coffee mornings and sunbathing!!
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I just had a really nice dinner. A prawn cocktail with no sauce! Amazing I just put it together (I like some radishes in mine) was about to pour the sauce over when I thought Yuck I want it plain. I had never liked the taste of lettuce, just the crunch. Anyway it was delish. Amazing as I don't do healthy. Its okay though I made up for it by eating a chocolate brownie. They have come out really well. A crisp top and a chewy, fudge middle. I ate two, could carry on but that way likes madness and feeling ick.
My Sis sent me a packet of Union Jack bunting today. We are a pair of big kids, she is coming down here when the jubilee celebrations are on because I have got a huge TV so we are going to have a party, just us two and the dogs probably....sandwiches and cakes, paper plates and decorations.
oh woofy, you could have the dogs pull you down the high street in a golden carriage and wave to the crowds. Maybe even toss them the odd prawn.

Went back to the dentist today for a checkup, 40-minute drive each way for a three-minute prod and peer and saying he was delighted how the implants are going. So that was nice. I think I'll have a couple more in summer, that should allow me to gnaw my way through raw woolly mammoths.
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jno I am glad your implants are going well. My successful one has been super successful but there is no bone left the other side :-(
Anyway time for bed, sleep well all
Oight oight
Oooh, we shall be in Russia for the Jubilee celebrations. I shall stand on deck waving the Union Flag and singing the National Anthem!!

Oight, ought everybody, I think I overdid things today by going for a long walk with Megs. I thought I was better, but have decided I was a bit premature.

I would love implants, but they wouldn't be any good to me if I had them, because I couldn't then afford to buy any food to chew with them. I don't like my crowded teeth and because I have one at the front which is further back than the others it looks dark and like a gap!!
Well ...Charles has been hobnobbing with us commoners ,he even visited the chip stall :)
Goodnight folks ..sleep well .
Will catch up on your posts tomorrow I've had another busy day so just called in to say oight oight all.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Russia for the jubilee, I hope you fly the tsar's flag, Lottie; they were relations, after all. I shall of course be in London for it, as there are duties to be performed, but I shall think of you on the taiga.
Good morning jolly Biddies, I slept very well last night, so equalibrium is restored. Just seen the Prince Charles clip in Norfolk, nice place and a whelk stall oh yum.

Lottie are you sure the Russians won't mind you flying a British flag? the spanish hate it over here, get very annoyed so be careful before you get a ducking. I may stay in England for the jubilee, as it's only a month after the wedding!
Oh jno only 3 mins in the dentist, how I wish!!
it's exceedingly rare here too, neti. So is sleeping right through the night, which I've just done.

I wonder if something is wrong with me.
He, he I was only joking Neti. I shall be behaving, I promise - I shall hoist the Red Flag instead and sing the Song of the Volga Boatmen

I always had a fascination with Russia even before Mr LL was on the scene. Loved Russian novels and Russian music. An intriguing history too.

Warm but cloudy and moist and a small amount of actual rain last night!!

Out to lunch, see you later.


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