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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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jude, please do not sympathise with my depression, it is self induced, cannot say more, but I deserve it, one day my normal self will pop back up!

Yes I need each and every biddy on here, so please rethink, thank you.
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MWD has just left. That's all the outstanding jobs done. He has a mate who does small scale legit rubbish disposal so tomorrows job is to sort out the garage and make a big pile of the stuff to go. The neighbours have a "thing" about big trucks and skips so while I would have one if there was no option, I will try to avoid it if I can.
Shughy has just been sick twice...dogs always take ill and worry me in the evening :-( I am sure there's nothing serious wrong, he brought up some chewed twig and several leaves.....
Still bright here but bitterly cold and windy.
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Jude and Neti, you popped on while I was typing. Neti nobody deserves to be depressed. I think we've all had our moments over the last year, honestly talking to you all has made it a lot easier to get through. I try and post the cheery bits and keep it light but honestly you have all really helped in the black times.
oooh, it's turned really cold here, the wind's wild. I had to feed the birds yet again, they stick around later in the evening now that it's lighter.

lol @ lively fishcakes...I love smoked haddock

woofy during his entire life I think Charlie always waited 'til tea time to develop something worrying. I'm sure he'll be fine, I think dogs have a very sensitive 'eject' button.

I wish there was a button to click which restored my lost youth :o)
Lost youth or youths Robi, how many have you lost???
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They are both asleep now, it's been a busy day for them, supervising and in shughy's case nicking tea again...but that doesn't usually make him sick. It's roast chicken and roast veg tonight so I bet he feels better then!
no yoofs round here neti, they're all scared of me...unlike the bloomin' cat who's in my garden right now...grrrr... I'll send it Jude's, she's got lively fish.
I have a vision of lively fishcakes all leaping about on a plate!! I'll never sleep with that on my mind!
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Lively fishcakes do sound lovely and fresh though....We don't get yoofs round here but I have to admit that while I could have stopped the dogs barking at the window when the doorbell rings, I actually dont. Friends and regulars laugh, strangers get a warning......
They were lovely, lively FCs too. Really tasty. :o)

I had one of my moments on the bus coming home with a handsome 'middle-aged yoof'. He sat next to me and was quite broad shouldered and we were arm to arm it was so comfy. Anyway he sneezed (but covered his face) and I said bless you and he said thanks and gave me a lovely smile. Then when I got off and waited for the bus to pass so I could cross the road he gave me another lovely smile. Made my day. Simple things please simple minds don't they!!
Oooh, jude, what route and what number bus was that? I'll be there!!!!
I pulled yesterday, a man who'd looked up and watched me approach suddenly started chatting by the fruit and veg, he was squeezing peppers...melons are out of season :o)
With you Robi dear, melons are out of the question! Ha ha am laughing myself silly at my witty comment!!
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ooh Neti, you are awful.....
My new wardrobe doors are lovely and make the room much brighter. they are opposite my dressing table mirror so I can do the infinite images thing. I am being good, haven't thrown everything back in tonight, I will do it slowly tomorrow and sort it out properly. Shughy has eaten a small meal of chicken and some dog biscuit and is cuddled up to me asleep, Rab has the armchair. I will see how things go but may keep him in tomorrow as he doesn't need to eat horse poo on a dicky tum.
You are so good woofy, I would just bung everything back in. Have to say the bottom of my huge wardrobe is piled high with at least 20 pairs of boots all higgeldy piggeldy, can never find a matching pair, I will get round to it, eventually!

This is brilliant, it's in German, so shaney can translate but I don't think it needs any translation, and then woofy can do this on her ipad!
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My wardrobe was stuffed with stuff I am never ever going to wear again...not even stuff that i cant bear to get rid of, just tat. I have decided that I am worth better than tat so out it all goes.
Oh yes woofy chuck the lot, and then a huge shopping pree! I wish I could!!
""*pree?"" what's that then neti!
Neti that link is so entertaining. He's really clever isn't he at sleight (Sp!) of hand.
Woofy I haven't any junk left. I put stuff in the air ambulance collection but it's all gone now. They'll have to wait until I've bought some more and I don't buy as many tops as I used to. Mond y ou I did by some more pJs and a jumper from Primark today. Couldn't resist they were so cheap.

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