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Sad News

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Patsy33 | 15:53 Wed 07th Apr 2021 | Jokes
10 Answers
Sad News.
I broke up with my girlfriend Lorraine. She found out I was seeing another girl, Claire Lee.

Good News.
I can see Claire Lee now Lorraine has gone.


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very good....
'It's over Flo', the plumber said to his girlfriend
its over andy, get your cap..
Answered this once. Dread to think where it ended up.
Yes, it's very good.
Question Author
Hope he doesn't see all obstacles in his way..
You could only tell that one when everyone is drunk.
You'd be duty bound to sing the punchline.
Oh dear.
It might be Lorraine until September ;-)
Looks like it's gonna be a bright Shoshone day
An oldie but a goodie

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