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Bully Cats

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wolf63 | 17:43 Sun 27th Oct 2024 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers

I heard about these cats a while back but thought that it was a fanciful story.

Why would anyone breed such an unhealthy and ugly-looking beast?



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I can't imagine - to scar their children for life, maybe?

Can't abear they sphinx cat either.    If you must have a pedigree cat, what's wrong with a beautiful British shorthair   Not a Scottish fold, though, they are not always healthy.  

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They are bound to have joint problems in later life with limbs like that.

Sphinx cats and all the other hairless ones are not at all cute.

I agree -  British Shorthairs are lovely beasts.

Moggies are usually nice and healthy, apart from Frankie in my profile picture - he had Asthma.


Assembled from a discarded Oriental foetus, a rhino scrotum and four papier maché covered slinkies.

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You can bet your life they will be the 'in' thing now! Just horrible!

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Bully Cats

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