I think you'll find that most people are against fish and seals being clubbed to death. Just for the record.
Foxes can be a bane to farmers. A well known fact. And a farmer shooting a nuisance fox that insists on killing all his chickens probably wouldn't be a huge issue for most. But a large group of grown men and women, on horseback, with a pack of dogs chasing a terrified fox to its death is hardly fair is it? It's the arrogant callousness of the hunt that the majority oppose.
I've got to say that I'm with Bill Bailey on this, who says: "Fox hunting is natural. All animals hunt. In fact even foxes hunt. Yeah, but they're not mounted on pigs, chasing a terrified doormouse through a forest with a pack of cats, while blowing a rudimentary horn fashioned out of an acorn."
If they want to keep fox hunting then they should at least make it fair.
Anyway, what's wrong with your tone today ABED? Did you get out of the wrong side of bed or something? You sound very aggressive.