Morning moffies...eek, have you seen a 'baby' of that moth jno?
That would make some holes in your cardi! Actually they eat citrus & evergreen leaves & the adults don't eat at all during their 1-2 week lifespan. Don't say my threads aren't educational.
I agree with the others shaney, mr s will get used to it, my 80 yr old neighbour's doing amazingly with hers apparently, it's her dodgy hip she's obsessed with now. We'll make a seamstress of you yet! I laughed at 'loo cleaner' 'cos that was my thought too, haha...(I didn't dare say, I was already in bovva for dissing* margarine) :o)
*don't you just hate that word, hehe?
Hope mr woofy's doing well & anyone else with ailments..
Are you feeling more 'comfortable' today Jude? I'll keep an eye out for a curvy bus magnet going by! :o)
No, the emails didn't arrive, I'll look into it further this afternoon.
NETI! Please note - ZERO centigrade here!!