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Morning...lovely one it is too so I won't be spending it all on the internet <ahem!>..
Kit - No, Charlie didn't have a specific diagnosis but she did say the head tilt (now resolved) could have suggested stroke/s (as I mentioned the only way to determine anything more sinister such as a tumour is with an MRI scan but at 14 and with a bad heart there'd be little to nothing they'd do anyway)....Then there was this possible infection. Little booger spat half his antibiotic back out this morning, he's fine with the other meds, it must taste nasty. I squashed it into some cheese but he still kept shaking his head so I think he's only ended up swallowing 3 quarters of it.
Your friend should go to the doc, it might be easily sorted. There are a few of us here I believe who can't walk in a straight line...for whatever reaon :o)
In real life I very rarely wear a poppy, they only get lost and sticking pins in a placcy mac isn't a good idea anyway. And I think about a week before the 11th is early enough to wear one.
mmm, I must start buying the local paper again, I see I've been missing out on the Quad Knitting Squad