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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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Ah yes look it's on DVD

Nope Jude haven't tried the old link posting way lately but <a href="">let's see what happens</a> - nothing, I suspect.
Hiya Kit. I Found a programme called QI on Channel Dave. It was a repeat but quite funny. Hope you are ok, I've developed a sore throat and a cough during the last few days and I have to go for a blood test tomorrow so I'm a bit 'chokka block'. Don't know what the translation of that is literally but it just means 'fed up' where I live but I'll be ok when I've had a good sleep. I'm not usually fed up for long. Anyway I have to feel better for tomorrow night as I am meeting a friend who lives in Durham and is over seeing family and we are going out for a meal. Haven't seen her for 2 years. we worked at the same hospital when I was in my 20's. Psychiatric Hospital it was, I was an auxilary on the admission ward and it was very interesting work.
I'm off to bed now. Have a good night. Sleep tight!
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Oh no Jude's a looney nurse...! I knew these sleeves were too white and too long...!

;-) G'night Jude and good luck with the test tomorrow.
Morning Biddymates - thanks for all help with choc pud, after all that, he was too full to weat one, but have saved your links Robi cos he's bound to want one soon!

Just been on bus (using free oap's ticket - yes we've even got that now) to renew driving licence, but they were confused that this old woman wanted a spanish one, and kept explaining that I needed to go to the DVLA, so I lost my rag (temper to you swedie!) and told them that i NEEDED A SPANISH RENEWAL! so all sorted! Then got another free bus to hospital and changed my endocrine specialist as she was hopeless I had absolutely no confidence in her at all and she was so impersonal and cold, so now have the gud 'un!! Hopefully he'll tell me that my fat is unavoidable and that I am lovely!!!

(Had to explain to swedie as I had visions of her wondering what I was doing waving a rag about in public!! he he).

Then looked in the sales and got daughter a pair of gold platform shoes for 5€, as (like jude) she parties a lot. Shall I get you are pair also jude??

Hope everyone here is Ok, is LL still about, hope she's Ok too.

Off to do belated housework bah !
Just read the posts, eekkk, jude was in a psychiatric hospital, yeah, they all say they worked there!! Twould explain all her gallivanting methinks!!!
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Oh nothing you do surprises me Neti! xx
Neti losing her rag

Ha ha yes that IS what they all say isn't it - isn't there such a scene in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest...?
Yay - big knickers!!
oh lordy, I s'pose we're all case studies for Jude's ex colleagues then....
a' need several pair of big knicks on today, it's freezing. The temp's actually risen but you wouldn't know it in the wind (& now rain). That's it neti, do what the English do when they can't be understood...YELL! haha

Goodness one, the Queen's coming to Derby. I'd better soak me tiara in some steradent & get busy crocheting a bonnet. She's coming to the cathedral on April 1st. I hope she's not wearing feathers in her hat, peregrine falcons nest there...don't look up your maj......!
To which queen are you referring? We have many here!!!!!
Afternoon friends. I'm after your sympathy now. I have a raging sore throat and a cough and a bad head and sneezing all over the place. Good job I live on my own. Couldn't go for my blood test and wont be going out tonight. It's the worst cold I've had in years. I think you're right Kit not enough sugar and fat but what do i do. Life's a b***ch. I am disappointed abouit not seeing my friend as I haven't seen her for 2 years but she may come down again in the Summer.

The sun has been out for about half an hour but has gone back in again and it is freezing cold. Brass Monkey weather. Have you heard that one Kit.

Off to make a cuppa now and take some paracaetamol See yer later 'gater(s)!!

I loved working at the hospital and learnt such a lot. They wanted me to do my training but I had a marriage to sort out so just did my auxilary work. I left because I wanted to do part-time and they wouldn't allow it in those days.

Are you going to see the Queen Robi. Think I'll give it a miss.
Derby was on great British railway journeys yesterday and Monday .They showed Buxton ,Matlock and a bit of Derby .I looked out for you both but you must have been hiding .
I didn't realise there is still a working mill near Matlock which has been going since 1784 .Lovely scenery up your way. I bet it's hilly though .
The brass monkeys here are frozen solid . No snow though thank goodness ,but my Germans sent me some this morning :) They have loads which they are welcome to .

Sorry you're not feeling too good Jude ..I hope you soon feel better .Keep in the warm .
Lots of hot lemon and honey .
Over and out for now .
Take care jude, keep nice and warm, (tuck yer vest into yer knickers, protect yer kidneys!) Get well soon. x
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Evening biddies. Well I've had my annual fall... Lots of snow (more than on your piccies Shaney) but it's more like theatre snow, it won't pack, just shuffles like sand under your feet and there's ice underneath. So I did my usual wintersault and as usual a small half circle of worried and helpful fellow stockholmers gathered around as I sat on the pavement waiting for my knee to stop acheing... I'm getting tired of this tradition now, it's like one of these movies where people have to do the same thing over and over again with only slight variations. (Or poor old Michael Finnegan:) This time I was lucky, it's hardly swollen at all.

Poor old Jude, I did wonder yesterday evening whether you'd wake up with a full-blown cold... Pity about your friend:'( Brass monkey, nope, didn't really know that one. Assumed it was Cockney rhyming slang but it isn't, nor is it anything to do with t3st1cles! http://jeffreyhill.ty...s-monkey-weather.html

What's up with your cathedral then Robi, is it particularly fancy schmancy or summink? ;-) Tell her to come rename our ****kyrkan - cos Lord know's somebody's gotta rename it!
That surprises me Kit. I always thought it was referring to the Pawn Shops in the area that had 3 balls hanging outside to indicate it was a pawn shop. And the reference freeze the balls off a brass monkey referred to that. But then again I could be wrong.

Goodnight all. Taking somed paracaetamol now then I'm off to bed.
Question Author
...and then again you could be right:) I googled it some more and there seems to be at least twenty different theories so never mind ^^ that one. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow Jude, sleep tight.
Is there anything I can do to speed up laptop, I've defragged and disk cleaned, but it's so slow.

Oh sorry, Morning all, hope jude, shaney, Robi the little bleeder, and lottie are feeling better.
Morning all...not so much a little bleeder now neti, more of a big bruiser. Surprisingly and regretfully I'm unable to help you with your lappy at the moment but if the opportunity arises I'll consult my techno-wiz. I've asked him if he's up for taking me to look at some, I'm considering buying one...funnily enough he's a lot more keen on that idea than the one about shopping for shoes and bags :o)

Sorry you're feeling so lousy Jude, keep warm & get well soon x. If I got a cold right now I'd just shoot me head off and be done with it.

I saw the railway journeys last night shaney, I'd been feeling rough & settled in front of the tele & it was just about to start. I'd done the same thing one night last week & meant to watch them all but forgot...I've set my mobi alarm to remind me for later. It's lovely, Michael's so laid back. My brother would have been enjoying it although there was nothing you could teach him about trains & railway. In fact he'd probably have been doing it all for real himself. Buxton's lovely but no place for a biddy, it's always cold...people have been known to visit in November & not get out again until march, they're always getting cut off by snow. Hope you're hobbling better btw.

Kit the Queen's coming to hand out Maundy Money...
and you can read all about the history of it on Wiki of course. She's drawn the line at washing feet, tut, and rang to ask if I'd like to do it but I think I'm busy that day.

Is Lottie poorly? where's it say that?
I've always thought brass monkeys was what jude said
umm not sure re lottie but I thought she wasn't well cos she was saying how bad she was, well I think so.
Still roasting here ! why did I leave home? oh yes too blinking cold for me!I do hope all you poor old Biddies recover soon -I am doing my best to channel this heat towards you all ,just enough perhaps to warm the bones up . Daughter says it's freezing in Manchester -serves her right for leaving her poor old mother .!!!Best wishes to all xxxxx

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