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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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oooooh went to dentist who proceeded to slice another bit out of my gum (I have fast healing gums and the hole was closing, like a pierced ear when you don't wear the earring) then tried to dislocate my jaw in order to get the screw back in. Apparently that side is building bone more slowly than the other side so it will take longer...feel like I have gone three rounds with Mick McManus now. Mr W has got one of his got to run round and do lots phases on. he will wear himself out but its a bit tiring while he's getting it out of his system. At least I can eat reasonably again...on saturday i missed breakfast then had taramasalata and free range egg mayo sandwich filler for lunch bot eaten with a spoon because i was soooo hungry and could not chew...actually not a bad combination and quite filling. Neti that mint cake sounds good...
http://www.chinadaily...29c050d094194a75d.jpg - look at woofy now!!

Just made Mr N the choc microwave pudding and he seemed to enjoy it, I didn't, hot choc sponge is not my ideal way of finishing dinner, which was a very nice chilli con carne with chips which are a rarity in this house!

Daughter happily ensconsed in new modern apartment with windows and daylight which she is sharing with a (girl) friend.

Mr N very happily with half his loaned paid back by daughter (with a lot of urging by me - she wanted it for a boob job!)

Off now for long hot soak which is something I've learnt to enjoy lately!

Catch yer laters!
Yes that is the flao but certainly not made with cheese!!!
I know now why you lot get toothache ,it's to give your bodies a rest from all that delicious food you're always making or going out to lunch etc. Me ,I couldn't care less what I eat as long as I can recognise it and I don't have to cook it BUT the weight still keeps piling on .Any secret tips for the quick disposal of body fat ? LOL
You and me both Dolly ha ha!
well, I can recommend pneumonia, Dolly - lost my appetite for a couple of months and lost a stone, whatever that is in Australian. The coughing and wheezing and endless pills are drawbacks, but if you're really determined...

Dearie me, I look out of my window and there's rain instead of sand and camels there... where can I be today...
Hi jno, you must be back in dear old blightly!!

I has something pneumonia a few years ago and thought nit was flu so for 5 weeks I didn't go to doctors and then was told off, felt pretty rough.

Have just cut my thumb hacking off the weeds with veg knife so typin g a bit erratic as per!!

Did you have any Amuse Bouche jno on your trip`!!!!

Just been to see about land dispute but nothing yet (huh, like I believe them!)

We all have to put a Interruptor control Potencia on out electric boxes so no one can draw in m ore than contracted, but we have 5.5 kws which is an enournous amount for such a small house, so hopefully we'll be Ok, cost 200€ - they are alwasy thinking of something or other!!!!
morning all..
welcome back to biddyland jno, where everything is grey and damp...can't win can we? It's a dizzy high of 5C but it's piddling down, tut. Hope you had a good time.
I've been so cold, tired & dizzy the past couple of days...I had to take a dizzy pill yesterday just to keep me upright while I had my hair done. And as for the screeching in my ears! Oh well, at least I won't get a gang of teenagers loitering around me. Probably the change in air pressure.

haha, I've discovered there's not much you can't crush, mash & eat with a spoon in the past couple of weeks woofy but even so several lbs have dropped off, tut. I'll gladly take some body fat from you Dolly...especially if it's nice & warm
Have just received a letter from Lonson dated 14th December 2009 ! what's that all about??

I'm suffering from wobbly walking at the moment Robi, started to veer off from the path I intend to walk!
Yoohoo folks and welcome back to freezing Biddyland Jno .Hope you had a good time .
It's hovering around 1C here and raining on and off.
Been up since the crack of dawn since the council here have far too much money and are putting in new lampposts and were drilling away out here at sparrows poops moving the perfectly good lamppost at the side of the drive about two yards further along where it will shine right into the bedroom window.
Oh roll on the warmer weather .I'm fed up with this cold .
I've become addicted to Chai Latte .Have any of you tried it ?Lovely winter warmer .
Hope all your aches and pains are little ones today ..if they are I'll swop you my giant toothache of the hips :)
Over and out for now .
well I don't know what all this wobbling's about neti, I think the earth must have tilted a bit more or sommink....

shaney they're threatening to do that to our lamp posts, in fact they already have near the end of the road and they're very bright. I've already got a streetlight opposite my bedroom which I don't mind as I don't like complete darkness but I can live without the super trouper effect thanks... I'll have to start closing the curtains. I think my silhouette's scary enough for the bus passengers, they certainly don't need an xray image :o)

had to look up the Latte, it sounds lovely
Lamp posts? what are they, are they things to light up one's pathway so that one can get home safely? Would like some of them!
Help, any clues please, cannot rezie my firefox window (ie cannot drag the screen to make a desktop icon) the little arrows are not appearing on the sides for top and bottom.
that's resize !
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Evening, tooth fairies - it'll be my turn on Friday to see the dentist:(

Yesterday I went to Gamla stan (Old Town) to check out a bracelet. My sis P (who lives down south in a much smaller town) has asked me to scout for a bracelet suitable for engraving something to remember her old bitch by. I've suggested this poem by Edith Wharton

My little old dog:
A heart-beat
At my feet.

...or rather perhaps just the words "a heartbeat at my feet", and she liked that, so now we search out the right bracelet. Had mung dhal soup and other goodies at Old Town's veggie joint, I love that soup. Chai Latte is nice too, Shaney - I used to have a fantastic recipe, wonder where that went... At the moment I'm enjoying PG Tips as recommended by you Robi. Didn't like the first one, which I had without milk, but with milk it's delicious.

Hippie gone again... VINNY! You're not allowed to stay away for this long you know. Now if it should come to our biddy attention that you've been flaunting your credentials over at that drawing site or anywhere else you know what will happen: We'll travel to Devon and push 19 sh1tehawks through your letter box - us Swedes are good at those things you know

Welcome home jno, missed you! Neti, sorry, can't help, never heard of that - except, you can find your desktop through the search function in the start menu, I suppose?
Yes swedie, I've tried that, it doesn't seem to know what I am on about - duh!
just remembered, shaney, I had bronco/pneumonia, and no swedie, it's nothing to do with horses - bronco geddit?
Is it anything to do with loo paper though neti? hahaha...
Oh good, I'm glad you enjoyed your good old builder's tea sweedie...No milk? yuk! I hope you had it a big chipped mug with 3 spoons of sugar & half a packet of dunking biscuits :o) I know I shouldn't but I love the mice story (poor things). I'm trying to think what I could have stuffed through my ex's letterbox?....mmm, yards of cotton wool probably so it 'scrunched' when he walked in, he hated that, haha
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Geddit Neti - almost same word in Swedish.

Unforgettable revenge (I think I may have told it before): Couple splitting up, man gets to keep the apartment, woman stuffs fish into the hollow curtain rods before she leaves, the stench drives him crazy and the source... well would *you* look inside a curtain rod??

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