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Frankie's been shot.

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Schutzengel | 19:12 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | Animals & Nature
134 Answers
My gorgeous ginger tom Frankie became ill and listless last night, so trip to emergency vet. Kept in over night and given pain killing injection and antibiotics. No better this morning. Very high temperature which wouldn't come down, so this afternoon he was sedated and x-rayed, and an air rifle pellet was found lodged in the wall of his abdomen. Fortunately it appeared to have missed his vital organs. He was operated on this afternoon to remove the pellet which had set up an infection. Latest news, he has survived the operation but is still very ill. So will be staying at vets for the time being. The police are going to collect the pellet from vets so that they can identify the type of air-rifle used. Hoping for a full recovery, but the worrying thing is there are small children who live next door, plus other pets around our small, rural, and very quiet cul-de-sac. How sick can some people be, it's beyond me. Some hooligan on the loose with an air-rifle is scary, and I hope for the animals and childrens sake that the person responsible is soon caught.


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. very, very sorry. You can now understand my philosophy about empathy with animals rather than humans.

Cheer up.
How's Frankie this morning Schutz?

Oh dear, I have only just seen your post as I have not been on here for a couple of days. I am so sorry for you at this awful time, poor Frankie, what a terrible thing to happen. I hope he makes a full recovery, and I'm sure that with all your love and attention he will.
Been looking through hoping for some good news about Frankie. I hope that you have heard from the vet Schutzengel and can have Frankie home with you soon. They recover better in their own surroundings, not so stressful for them (or you). Thinking of you
Been thinking about poor Frankie xxx
As a cat lover I was so sorry to hear about Frankie Schutzengel, cats are such resilliant animals so I hope he makes a full recovery, to think that somebody would do that to a defensless animal is terrible, I hope they manage to track them down before some other animal or person gets hurt.
Louise ( Sparky and Twiggles)
Sent you an email Schutz earlier today. Hubby + I are rooting for you all massively.
Thinking + praying for you + Frankie with all our beings!! Beyond me too how some people can be so cruel to either animals or children- the most vulnerable on this planet! Pray the police catch him soon, too, for sure.
Keep us all in the loop. May good news come your way soon. Your friend, Bea xx
Just popped in & read this thread. What an awful thing to happen to Frankie, or any other pet. Hope he's soon feeling much better soon Shutz. -xx-
I think that all the felines on this threat should join together and use this monster's latrine - not perfect retribution but it is a start (and legal).

I hope Frankie is going to be back to his annoying self soon. I told my brother the other day that I would be violent for only one reason - somebody hurt one of my furry bairns.

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Thanks to everyone for the messages once again, and especially to those who have posted today, including afcjan, madboutcats, sqad, puss-boots, bensmum, big mamma, elcee, beatrice, smudge, and wolf.
Sqad I do understand what you mean and I think most animal lovers would agree. But it's also so good to know that there are so many good people who not only really care about animals, but also care about humans too.

Been to vets this afternoon. Frankie is still really poorly, and sleeping nearly all the time. He is having tiny bits of baby cat food at intervals. Can't give him a cuddle, only light stroking on his head, and he growled when the vet moved him to show me the site of the operation.
They are looking after him to the best of their ability, and now there's nothing I can do except wait for Monday morning. However, in the meantime they will telephone me if there is any change. I expect the important thing now is plenty of rest as his body heals and recovers. I'll report progress on Monday evening. Thanks again to everyone.
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Hello again. I don't know if I mentioned previously where we suspected the shots had been fired from. But past the end of our garden there's a walkway on a bank which used to be a railway, which people use for walking their dogs, with bushes either side. My neighbour from next but one told me today, that on Thursday morning he had seen a beautiful jay which had been shot, and had been hung up with nylon twine in one of the bushes, as he was walking his dog. He felt that he had been observed, took his dog home, and went back to remove it, and it had already been taken away. This all in the space of a few minutes, so it seems our suspicions as to location were probably correct.
Cont'd in Part 2
i may never have met Frankie but i will never forget his name i have been checking the site since 7-50am and i bet alot of other aber's have too .
keep my fingers crossed for another day and half

:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Part 2.
Now I am really mad. As jays are very scarce in our part of the country, and I believe this one is the one which has been around for about 4 years, and used to come to our garden for food on a regular basis. He was so beautiful, and I'm sure it must be him. It makes me so angry that whoever it is would tie him up in a bush to probably use for target practice. I have reported this to the police, and they are adding this information on to the original report. I do hope they catch the person or persons responsible.
I feel so tired and stressed by now, and hope to get an early night tonight. So for now, much love to everyone. Schutz.
Everyone on this site was so kind to me and my dog Honey, that I am so angry that this could happen to a much loved pet.

i will pray to the God of all creatures for a return to health for Frankie, and Honey will have her paws crossed.

Please let us all know of progress, am sure we are all thinking of you and of course Frankie.

Have only one further comment --the b*****ds!
It's very upsetting that mankind can be so cruel to our innocent animals and creatures . Thank you for your update Schutz , holding out for the best for Frankie xxx
Schutz it will have been such a comfort to Frankie to hear your voice � and yes sleep and healing go together.

As for the swine Dr Filth was telling us about yesterday who said he only aimed at the cat's tail, bring him here and I promise if I see anything on him even remotely reminiscent of a tail I won't miss. Same goes for whoever used that jay for target practice.

Schutz it must be tiring for you to reply to all of us individually - I'm sure we all agree you don't have to do that; we know you read all of our messages. You take some time off now if that's what you need and we'll all be back the moment we see you posting here again.

Hoping to make you smile a bit with this YouTube clip � it's oddly relaxing don't you think ;-)
Hi Schutz

Pleased to hear your Frankie seems to be fighting. Bless him.

Every night since we have had out little Frankie my 3 yr old has been praying ot Saint Francis so she can walk properly. I was telling hubby about your poor Frankie and Jack overheard. Tonight he added the big Frankie who a meanie has shot.

Hope he is a little better in the morning and by Monday you will see an improvement in him.

Whatever are people thinking shooting a jay - well shooting anything really - mindless idiots. Hope they are caught. Hope the papers do follow up the story as the police might get some clues.
Thank you for the update schutzengel - sleep is one of nature's healers. My own old Flossie had a stroke on Thursday and has been sleeping a lot. I am hoping she gets through it and am adding Frankie to my wishes here. Much love to you both
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Thank you Brenda (and Honey), also bigmamma for your continuing concern for Frankie, it is so much appreciated. love Shutz. xxx
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Thank you Swedeheart for your message. My sentiments exactly. I really did enjoy the video clip, very relaxing, and what a beautiful and clever cat. Schutz.

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