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Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
Is there a mobile app...
Please see my post at 14:28 https:/ / eanswer .uk/Cha tterBan k/Quest ion1691 988-2.h tml#ans wer-122 81694 Just check some of the Sub Categories I have listed and then look in the main Categories....
Dear Spare Editor, It would be lovely to be able to have an edit button so posters can correct spelling mistakes or more pertinently auto-correct mistakes. Many forums work well with edit buttons, and...
In between cooking a full roast (pulled pork, veg crackling and so on) for my mum and family, I've been looking at this advert thing. Following suggestions from Gromit, I did a couple of experiments...
I feel sure it would be a simple matter for Answerbank to inform recipients of 'Best Answer' that they have been awarded such. Today I was awarded a BA but could have been unaware that such was the...
Has anyone used this site and is it safe to use and easy to get their 'Offers'?
Is there an app for my Samsung phone?
As the news section is getting a little bogged down with the subject.
Under the (good) old system, I could click on the header to the categories list and get ALL sub-categories exposed - this was quite useful when unsure of where to post. (It also gave a very fast...
Anyone use mobile version of AB on an android phone? Mine times out on any searches. Desktop version runs ok.
Just checking the monthly quiz round-up I noticed the following line. "If you are asking for help with a quiz, please can you ensure to include the quiz title and closing date." Perhaps this should be...
I can understand when mods or ed remove a post ?but fail to see why an entire thread is removed?
When reading part way through a lengthy thread and then posting a reply, one is sent to the end of the thread, would it not be possible for one to be sent directly to the page that contained the post...
I totally understand individual posts being removed from threads which break AB rules. But I wonder if a whole thread should be removed ?
Someone on AB recommended a book a while which sounded wonderful....but I forgot to take note of it. I will spend time searching but if there is room on the site would a Recommended Books section be...
Ed- have you considered a temporary separate Gloating topic for the next few weeks? Subsections could be Rubbing Your Noses In It and Sour Grapes- Get Over It. It might leave the News topic as an area...
Ed, could I please express the view that there are far too many sub topics? This makes it tedious, particularly on the mobile site, when you are perusing the threads. For example does 'Motoring'...
One of the regular spammers, probably a bot, posts links in the title box. As links don't work in the title box I wonder whether it would be easy to program AB to simply reject a post with just a link...
When a well-known person dies this site ends up with similar threads in 2 or 3 different topics. Should there be a separate topic just for deaths?
I have asked this before and you showed interest Ed, but nothing has changed. In multi page threads, when one reads down the various posts and comes to one that requires a response, why after posting...