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Flowers on a fig?

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woofgang | 14:54 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
557 Answers
I have a nice brown Turkey fig tree in a pot. I get about six figs a year and very nice they are too. BUT I have never seen any flowers on my fig tree, just suddenly tiny figs appear. figs flower and if so when and what do the flowers look like? and if figs don't flower, where do the tiny figs come from??


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lol neti hahahaha

gessoo - my bra would be much more use on my head than where it's made for... :-(

Vinny's had been missing for a while, but I have now found him! He's been hiding out the back and has been sharing his Becks with my cat!!!!!!


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guys we are on post 262 and its friday...where are we going next? I bet we need it before monday

Jude, it's just great having such a laugh every day. I live in a very isolated position and work from home, and everybody on this thread feels like a good friend. We all seem to have the same stupid sense of humour. Others might call it mindless drivel. However, I am sure we are all highly intelligent folk!!!

If you don't want my dressing gown you can have my slippers:

gessoo' slippers

Robbie, like you I was born serious and worried and have always been an extremely anxious person. I present a really confident face to the world, but inside I'm a real mess!

Woofy, how about here:


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what do the others think and should we (or head chief figgy Robinia) warn the Ed?

got to go now, dog is mithering for a walk

yep Jude - it's a whole different world on here.... I really think if there was a nostalgia category we'd have a lot more Biddies joining in too. People have accused AB of being cliquey but it's human nature on here & in the real world for people of like minds (or out of their minds in our case) to be drawn together. I'd be soooo sad if we had to stop our Biddy bumbling

speaking of the world where is Dolly?

Looks like a good neutral home woofy - we can make it all cosy again like the grotto - I'll start saving the dust from me vac to throw around....

Did the bra on your head look like the right size for you Robinia?

smudge two corn plasters on a piece of elastic would suffice.
hello Jude, sorry not to reply before but I've been in a car for the last hour or so. Shaney, I'm an IE user but I've just signed on with someone else's firefox and I haven't had to re-register or anything. No bold face type though, let alone colours and stuff.

Gessoo Think I'll pass on the slippers thanks..

I'm an anxious person too and I try not to think too much about things. I've think it's because I've been cloistered up for 3 weeks my thoughts take over. Might make it out tonight to a Rock and Roll night. Dont expect I'll do much dancing but I'll enjoy the music.

It's ok Jno just having a mardy moment. Ok now...
jno - we'll have to find a way of receiving biddy posts on your mobile phone....hahaha ...can you imagine?? beep beep every two mins.....
Hi Jude I'm in and out and round a bout - can't get on here too much at present. Daughter hogging it and now old tidytins has come in with another black cloud on his head. I really do need my biddy pals for light relief. Better go he's starting to eye up the kitchen shelves, shock horror and dread.

Well, it's official!!! I've definitely turned the final corner towards biddiementia!!!!

I have just put my dirty washing in the tumbler and the basket full of washed clothes back in the washing machine. I then collected the dirty crockery all up and put it next to woodburner ready to burn. Fortunately, I realised what was happening before I loaded all the paper and stuff for burning into the dishwasher.

Then to top it all, I thought I would just pop in here to say hello and I put my earphones on (the ones I use for work). I have been reading through the latest threads with the b***** things on my head!!!

Please don't tell anybody. I don't want to be taken away by men in white coats.

...........and some beggar has hidden my Kalms, just when I nead them Wouldn't be funny if daughter was selling them in the disco as a new designer drug and all the pop stars etc were falling alseep on the dance fllor instead of raving!! I am also a worrier, I worry about every little thing, and if I haven't got anything in mind, then I worry about that!!!
sorry about the spelling mistakes, it's the new figgybuilding.

Hello everyone

I can post in colours!! funny writing.....waffle waffle !!!


right, firevixen back in its hole, am now on IE again at least as long as nobody's looking... but the thought that I should get one of those mobile telephony thingies shocks me to the core; it's not gonna happen. Any messages, the butler can phone the chauffeur and the chauffeur can tell me.

hahaha gessoo is a Biddy-no-Brain.....

I often sit here & wonder why I can't smell my dinner cooking.......or hear the washer going.....

I wonder when they told me at the pain Management clinic to pace myself they meant 10 mins doing what I have to do folloewd by 50 mins on here???

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Flowers on a fig?

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