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Flowers on a fig?

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woofgang | 14:54 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
557 Answers
I have a nice brown Turkey fig tree in a pot. I get about six figs a year and very nice they are too. BUT I have never seen any flowers on my fig tree, just suddenly tiny figs appear. figs flower and if so when and what do the flowers look like? and if figs don't flower, where do the tiny figs come from??


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just testing

Charming Robinia Now how did you do it? :o)

right jude was just testing smudge's way - found the link so here you go

it seems easier than my way

Vinny I hope you've done us all a spud - u - like

Jude...if I can copy and paste so can you!

If you want to put something in from the web you just highlight it left click to copy and then left click to paste the link into your post. Tinypic is dead easy and even batbrain here can work that one.Go to Tinypic on browse and it will bring up pictures you have stored on your computer Select the one you want and then click on "Host Picture" .This will give you a link which you then copy and paste into your post.

It took me a while to get the hang of it but it is very good because I use it to email photos to my brother who doesn't have Broadband and consequently any large files take him ages to download.

Clear as mud?.......!!!

Having just read Smudges instructions ...they are much clearer than my garbled explanation !!

I've got my own personal Bong Binger !!

Thanks Gessoo!

Just testing
I'm rubbish. I followed instructions copied ok. Then when it came to writing post it went crap. I wrote just testing then clicked on paste but nothing happened. Help!!
dont bother with the 'testing' for now jude just post the link as it is, however long it doesn't matter
When you have highlighted it try clicking "cut" then paste.See if that works.
How do you do that thing where you overwrite the link and put here or something ?

Just nipped upstairs to find I'm being beckoned - nice to be needed! It really is very simple once you've got the hang of it, but we all have to start somewhere.

Once you've transported the link to the page press return, then left click & run along the link, thus highlighting it, then type over to read whatever you want it to read.

Back in a mo'

when I've pasted the link & pressed the spacebar to make it show as a link I go to the start of it and drag the cusor over it all to highlight - then just type ' here'

Hi Shaney

Post the link then hit your space bar, then highlight it by scrolling across it with your finger held down on the left click (which I know you know) and whilst it is highlighted type in what you want to call it WITHOUTPUTTINGINANYSPACES. Then hit your space bar again and the link will remain. You can then edit it by putting in the spaces, etc.

Good Luck.

I am now saying goodnight!! xxxxxxxxxx

It's Easy-Peasy !

Ha, ha - we all posted at the same time! You wait for one, then 3 come along at once!
It may be easy peasy for you Smudge but it's torture for me. I can find an image and copy it. Then when I go back to AB it's not in the address bar so I've nothing to paste. I am now giving up today but will have another go tomorrow. Thanks anyway for all trying to help me.

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Flowers on a fig?

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