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dmsjps | 23:53 Mon 23rd May 2005 | Site Suggestions
192 Answers
Is there any way people could attach photos to their questions so that if there is something they particularly want to find but they can't describe it/don't know what it is called, they can put a photograph up?

This has no doubt been asked previously, but I can't find anything when I look.



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Why has it come up so large ?


The duck was in Central Park, New York.

The lamb was in Kesh, Co. Fermanagh - my wife is lamb mad, so I organised a visit to a farm for her to hold them!

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Hey zmudge, my son doesn't look much better than that at the moment: he came off his pushbike and headbutted some iron railings last week! Had the stitches out today, but they still had to glue it. So glad he didn't knock his teeth out.

luckystrike, lambs are sweet to look at, but they don't 'alf stink, don't you think?
I have just used this method to send a photo by email and it worked.  I guess there may be an easier way but I am so happy. House has gone to pot today and no dinner prepared but hey........
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Never mind netibiza, everyone deserves a day off now and then!

Just seen Netibiza's pics. OUCH!

And I am living in this carpy rainy country why????????

Hey, tanyavee ! What have you been doing to my cat? I haven't seen him look so p'd off since the last time he was flea sprayed !

This is just one of the models my daughter made:

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Brilliant smudge, art student? I think I get everything - except the penguin? Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, wouldn't be surprised!

My husband & both our daughters are very artistic.

Our youngest daughter (37), started making little models of babies & people asked if she could make them for members of their families. She asks what their interests are & it goes from there. This particular model was for a friend who was into golf, films., & collected Penquins as a child.

Every single item on the board is made from either, Fymo (clay), wood or paper. Every single word on the newspapers & video covers, etc., are all written by hand. The towel even has the same texture as a real one!

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Smudge, I thought it was a model of 'British society', which is why I didn't get the penguin. It is brilliant, she's very talented.
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This is about as artistic as I come close to being these days:


I'm quite proud of that one because I'm not usually very good with a camera. Or perhaps I'm seeing beauty in something that's just boring!

That's very artisitc too dms - beauty is in the eye of the beholder! (BTW - What do your initials stand for?)
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My initials are the initials of my name - dms - and my husbands - jps. What's smudge about?


Hey, I wonder if this could lead to a new posting ...

This is my cat I just told him to find a new home!


Oh, how odd - I only typed in dms cos I couldn't be bothered to type them all in & they are your initals anyway!!

Smudge was our beautiful cat who is now in Heaven!

Your cat is so cute WHJ.
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wellhungjock, I never saw a cat swear before!
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Now that I've got into AB a bit and started chatting to a few people, it's kept me off eBay a bit more and stopped me from buying things I don't need, which in turn has made my husband happier too!


AB really does have an answer for everything - even the site itself is an answer!

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