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dmsjps | 23:53 Mon 23rd May 2005 | Site Suggestions
192 Answers
Is there any way people could attach photos to their questions so that if there is something they particularly want to find but they can't describe it/don't know what it is called, they can put a photograph up?

This has no doubt been asked previously, but I can't find anything when I look.



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Vinny, have you had Groundforce in your garden? Wish mine was that posh! And Vinny, can I come and live in your bar, p-l-e-a-s-e!
Nice pic kags! I'm sure Dave G would be more than happy!
FP - if you fancy VINNY, you'd fancy Mr Smudge too - very similar, but with darker hair! Oh for those hippy days again - mmm! & nbsp;

hopefully this one works...thanks jno, but it might be a while before i can make it happen.

that's ok artee except now you have to delete a couple of spaces at the end of the URL - presumably the ones there because I suggested you put them there... anyway, I can see the Many Faces of Artee. Try clicking on this 

FP &Smudge photos of you in your Hippie gear pleeaassse( :)Dmsjps your welcome anytime.Thanks ck1( :)
I detect that you are a very kind person jno and i thank you for that. All I need to learn now is how to change that long address to a short word as you just did to the word 'this'.  I have tried but it messes up.

hi artee, I think a proper explanation may be buried higher up in this thread somewhere... but here goes.
(a) cut and paste the URL. Hit the space bar once, which should turn it into a link, all underscored.
(b) highlight the link - drag the arrow/cursor/whatever you use along it, with the mouse button held down. It should turn blue or something?
(c) then write 'this', or whatever you want, over the top of it. So the original URL is then replaced by the word 'this', which should also be underscored and should function as the link - so you can just click on it and get taken to the photo, website or whatever. (NB you won't be able to click on it as you write it on AB, this doesn't seem to work. But it'll be okay once it's posted.)

Don't worry if this doesn't work (techie explanations are not my specialty, but I expect IndieSinger is in bed, or out indiesinging or something at this time of night - he's the one you really want... expect it's midday up your street, of course, sun shining on my bach at the beach too...). Even if you're left with the ordinary 1,000-letter link, that'll still be fine for people to click on.

Good luck!

so liking all ur photos--gotta try this




I can't believe this!  Nice photos ajmmac. you obviously don't need any help.  I will ask my son on tues and see if he can tell me why my pic is not straight forward.
PS  jno you have done very well for a non techie
nearly there artee... when I click on your link, an error page comes up, but in the address line above it you just have to delete the couple of chaacters at the end, so it ends at jpg - so your makeover is still there for all to see...

artee.  Your makeover is great.  Do you use the same plastic surgeon as Mr Michael Jackson!!

I like the original artee best. x

thanks artee for the compliment--i followed jno's advice and got to ur makeover--should have saved ur money--lol

Just experimenting with Flickr here

Perhaps there is a better link here

Hip hip..... At last it worked!  I'm so sorry to have put you through all that again jno, I know that you had already done all that for others. By the way  that may not be me in the makeover, after all she is 65 yrs old!
Thank you FP. Mike's plastic surg was retiring early so a daft man used the photoshop instead, u no, the one on computers that enables you to alter photos. You are the one with the beautiful gardens I believe, and the garden seat is always so welcoming.  As for the  makeover..ta very much...
zmudge, you are really cute....
Here is a pic that I drew on the paint program...It's the only one that  'Image'  would allow to comp;etion. Maybe the others were too dark coloured?  Would anyone Know?
'Deception' is it's name. If this one doesn't work I'll try again. Regards to all.

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