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dmsjps | 23:53 Mon 23rd May 2005 | Site Suggestions
192 Answers
Is there any way people could attach photos to their questions so that if there is something they particularly want to find but they can't describe it/don't know what it is called, they can put a photograph up?

This has no doubt been asked previously, but I can't find anything when I look.



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Guess who I shook hands with on 6th July 2004?
Here is a clue:


So who's responsible for the SLF spare tyre cover-thingie (don't know what you call them), dms or jps ?

(Good taste, whoever !)

LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL YES.a FEW MORE bECKS( : )M-A-G-I-cC:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,love all the photos, this is some magic site!!cheers everybody::::party at the weekend(:)

smudge said:

IndieSinger is a winner & a very clever chap, if I knew just where he lived, I'd go & pat him on the back!

Aha!  I know where IndieSinger lives, but I will only tell you if you can arrange a date for me and Peter Phillips to meet up.

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Hi brachiopod, so glad someone else can appreciate my musical taste these days; it's me, dms. Having said that, done a good conversion job on my husband and kids too!


Unfortunately the wheel cover is now defunct because I got a new vehicle in December and the spare wheel's underneath, so I put the original wheel cover on the old car to sell! My next task is to try and work out how to advertise them (SLF) on this one without it being permanent for when I sell it.

A piece of my garden at dusk tonight.  I have been working very hard today and rushing in every now and then to see what you lot have been up to!  Love the models Smudge.

FP's Garden 

More Garden   and finally,

Even more Garden

Hi Vinny.  Party on Saturday - yeah!  Yes AB is a great site - what would we all do without it!
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FP, your garden looks like a lovely, relaxing place to be and it must smell wonderful! My poor old barren bit of grass looks horrible next to yours! I've never been a gardener, although my mum loved it, and now that I've hit the big-4-0 myself, I sometimes find myself standing out there thinking, 'Well wouldn't it look nice if I just ...'!!! Trouble is, I haven't got a clue! I'll have to start having a go though, because when I see other people's gardens (like yours) I get jealous and I want mine to look like that too! There's only one way to do it, isn't there?

Gardening has not always been my favourite thing.  I just have a passion for old fashioned flowers that smell and love quite wild gardens.  Can't be bothered with planting out rows of annuals.  We have been in our cottage for 26 years now so everything is quite established.  I don't make hard work of it, but do love being outside - it's so relaxing. 

Thanks for your comments dms.  However, if you saw the rest of my half acre it is somewhat more unkempt - I leave it semi wild for the birds - well that's my excuse!

p.s.  Have a go - you have to start somewhere - you'll be surprised how quickly you learn.  I take gardening books to bed!
It worked!!!
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Oh Sammy Snake, who is that pretty little cat? That was a nice photo for me to go to bed on!


Night all, speak to you soon.

FP - for an old Rocker your garden look a treat & I can smell the fragrance from it! If I had a garden as big as yours, I wouldn't bother going on holiday, I'd get the family round & set up tents in it!

Glad you liked the picture of the model - there are many many more like that & the babies are so cute.

Bernardo - you really do have a 'thing' for Peter Phillips - I will do my best to set up a meeting for you & him - although you do realise he might be getting married soon. Ah! you could always apply to be his 'Butler or Dresser', you couldn't get any closer to him than that!

Bad news folks the ED has been bared from his local pub the cake he should have passed on to Answerbankers he has been eating some himself and the rest he has fed to the pubs cat he�s also nicked smudges penguin amongst other things. The Landlord has said �we had no idea he was feeding the cat cake our suspicions were raised when the cat was stuck in the cat flap the fire brigade managed to cut the cat free. We had to buy a new door with a large cat flap we then found in the early hours the ED had made his way into the pub via the cat flap and it was his plan to overfeed our cat all the time! So he could get free booze� What a shameful tale!


My baby daughter Anaiya, 3 days old today!!

aw, that's beautiful! Congratulations.
although I could have just posted a link to that picture on the net I suppose. Off to find something more interesting.......
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