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dmsjps | 23:53 Mon 23rd May 2005 | Site Suggestions
192 Answers
Is there any way people could attach photos to their questions so that if there is something they particularly want to find but they can't describe it/don't know what it is called, they can put a photograph up?

This has no doubt been asked previously, but I can't find anything when I look.



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is that you kags?

Do gals dig Grohl?

ck1  Congratulations.  She is so beautiful.
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ck1, Congratulations! Make sure you look after yourself as well as Anaiya. 3 days after having a baby, not a fun place to be! But she will make it easier for you!

kags, sorry to be ignorant, but who is 'phwoarr'? Never seen him before. Also, ImageShack thumbnailed your '1981' so I couldn't really see what the photo was about. Was it you in front of a shop?
ck1 - Congratulations to you & your family on the birth of you beautiful baby daughter. Take care.

wellhungjock - I had to look twice at your brilliant picture!

I'm glad you liked the photo of our daughter's model, enough to 'nick' some items from it & place them in your picture - especially the Coxy newspaper on the floor & the penquin - that was very clever of you - ah, thanks!

When I came on this thread I never expected so many amazing pictures. Take care ck1 and baby Anaiya.. Loads of cats! That�s very clever whj.

Well, I've been away for 2 days and look what I found..This has proven to be so popular.   It has taken me an absolute age to get this link for my pic, and you're probably all gone now.
I just loved the pics you all posted, also the rhymes and attempts to rhyme, also the neat story about the pub cat.  
If it works this is a makeover pic.   Only one of the faces is a before shot....
Here goes....

[IMG][/IMG]< /P>

OK That failed. I'm tuckered out now so will try again later.
MargeB - yes, that's me when young and thin. And this gal digs Grohl! Are you posting a photo? 

artee, that works fine when you delete the <P> at the end. To stop that appearing, when you've entered a URL, hit the space bar - if you just hit the return key, it reads it as a paragraph mark, which is what the <P> stuff is.

Your camera, on the other hand, appears to have a real problem; If you feed it right, I'm sure it will make you look better too...

my garden

my  bar





Hippie   vinny

my bar maybe?( :)

Fantastic Hippy picture Vinny!!
VINNY - spooky - I have a very similar picture of my husband as a 'Hippy', but wearing his smelly Afghan coat though. I shall have to dig it out & post it - the resemblance is amazing!

Where is the 'hippy' vinny pic at?

And there is no way on earth you would get me living on that house on the hill! Imagine!

Crikey, quite a surprise to see people from this site in the flesh, so to speak.

yeah ok kags, you twisted my arm.
If anyone else posts pics of babies on this site, I swear I'm gonna go off and settle down and start a family.
Oooh Vinny,   you are tasty, tasty very, very tasty!! ;o)

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