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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
I quite admired Anus Madness.................
Brussels sprouts.
Where's the loo roll?
I detect a topic being kept to ... start wandering right now!!
Season's greetings
It's handy for responding to those constant demands made by teenagers.
I bought an easter egg to-day
Think I might put the tree up this weekend.
I keep thinking it's Thursday
If I have a yellow jersey can I enter the Tour de France?
Only on a skateboard
I have a Pink Jersey - should I move to Brighton?
Is there ice there?
Any body seen my 17mm socket.
let tonyav borrow it to go with his pink ra ra skirt.
I've been invited to a 60's reunion do...............there's some sad old buggers kicking around.
How much more stick can tony take? I know it's not real, it's only a soap.
Oi, cheeky chi chi.
Hey craft, I resemble that remark.
Their killing me softly with their love, killing me softly.

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