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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
Was craft a Rolling Stone groupie?
I've just bought some Skechers Shape Ups to get fitter..................I can't even walk in the bloody things.
if it's a rhythm stick...he's good for a beating
Why does your chewing gum lose it's flavour, if you stick it on the bedpost over night.
Cos the pixies chew it and then stick it back again.
prop me up beside the jukebox when i die
Would it not smell after a while?
Is this thread still going?
No - we are a figment of your over-heated imagination ...
50 shades of AB
Great, I'll write it all down and publish it then
Still unwinding...
I really like the name Euphemia. Could I be pregnant?
Can I eat haggis in Wales?
If I throttle my oldest friend at 7.30 will it matter?
She will remain your friend forever
It's raining.
Enough said.
Never enough said.
Does me wanting to throttle my cats make me a bad person?

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