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Pensioners licence

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netibiza | 22:39 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please may the oldies around here (mainly me) have licence tp make mistakes with countries and things.  Thank you.


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quickly looks through my pictures...zap...wipes of all image's of jesus...cor that was close..that explains all that snow I got then..hehe....!morning me bids.lovely again init...just cleaned a posh ladys carpet....she said its not dirty..just needs freshening up...i always carry a little plastic filled it up and showed her the colour of the water.(guinness would be envious)..hehe...she payed me and slammed the door..!another satisfied customer..(:)um...dont think she liked me singing is black..I want me baby back...grey is grey...since she went away....dah..dah..(:).(:)

For Vinny


They forgot to add the Becks!!!

Wrong picture, he he!!


Good morning - so what are all these unholy shenanigans & french maids then? tut tut - mind you, I can see jno's funny pics so does that mean I'm a little angel or a wee devil?
It's a horrid bleak morning here & there's been a few flakes of snow so I'm not flitting about in a lacy french maid outfit....well I might be under these fleeces......?

lol Vinny posh people dunt get mucky mi duck they just get 'slately soiled, one knows' - hope she liked your outfit would do it for me ;-)


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I can't see jno's piccy get the same message as gessoo.

Vinny come on over here with your wonderful machine and do my carpets PLEEEEZE.

This biddy doesn't do french (oops souinds rather rude) I'm still struggling with el espa�ol!!!.

neti there's a Bazza question for you


strange message... okay, I'll copy out the page URL by hand and see if you can link to it... should be

... maybe it's replacing it with the word 'here' or something that makes it invisible to some?

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Robinia I absolutely adore "One Voice" and took me years (and even a trip to America) to find out who sang it. Didn't know how to work the old computer, or maybe it didn't used to work. But it has to be said, I thought old DelBoy should have released it, was somehow rather moving when he sang it.

Yeah jno, got your pictures. Just went back to your first link and this is what appears in my address bar when I click on 'here'

cute... but goodness knows how it got there. Only happens to some ABers and not others... strange place, the world wide web
Morning all. Got your pics now Jno. Hope we don't go French I've used up about all the French I know! Robinia where's the sun gone round here? Had to take a trip to Sandiacre this am and it was snowing there and back. Vinny you can clean my carpet anytime! It's a job I hate! I'm fed up of this cold weather - just had to go and buy another flannelette duvet cover. Ooh there's a bit more French! ha ha.
Well I have just had my petit dejeuner which consisted of a ruddy banana and la plume de ma tante es dans le table de mon oncle.
Morning all !!

mange tout hehe

Jude with your nightie as well you'll be a vision in ...


It had better warm up quickly - charlie's having his coat clipped tomorrow & it's my turn on Thurs. Might ask the groomer to do mine too - think I'll have a Sinead O'connor....wish I had her face.

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vorsprun durch tecnik - mon dieu

Ok so I cannot sprak de french.


Don't forget these

Hi Neti I've given up on the French I have enough trouble with my own!!

With my own language I mean. I didn't make sense did I? Shut up Jude!

Que beaucoup de vieux gens b�tes que nous sommes-

Nous tout besoin d'entrer dans une vieilles peuplades � la maison. Cependant, je vous aime tout et vous me donnez un rire tous les jours !

Au revoir mes vieux amis de biddie

(J'ai trich�. J'ai fait ceci sur un site de traduction a appel� Je compte c'est le chargement de vieilles balles.)

Now look who's showing off have to get my dictionary out for that lot unless you care to translate Gessoo :o)
Et il y a un prix pour le premier corrige la traduction !

That many old animals people who we are Us any need to enter old tribes to the house. However, I love you all and you give me a laughter tous.les.jours! Goodbye my old friends of biddie (I cheated. I did this on a site of translation called I count it is the loading of old balls.)

hahahaha ^^^^ with thanks to babel fish

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