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Pensioners licence

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netibiza | 22:39 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please may the oldies around here (mainly me) have licence tp make mistakes with countries and things.  Thank you.


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Morning all
Bright and sunny here too ..still got snow laying around and it's cold . Hope everyone is well with no toothaches or other aches and pains. Nice to see you again Jno... I must have missed you somewhere along the biddyline.Hope you had a nice holiday.
The birds are going through fat balls at a rate of knots so I shall go and fill up their feeders .
Have a nice weekend everyone and watch how you go in the ice and snow. We don't want any slipping over and showing our bloomers !

Jude, have you heard of a band called The Pogues? That's their name too. Originally they were called Pogue Mahone...but with fame and radio airplay came censorship

Good morning all, lurgy shifting slowly, feel like I have head full of clouds today....hope I haven't passed it on to any of you guys (computer virus lol). btw I have veneers on my middle upper front teeth to cover and protect some large nasty fillings. They look completely natural and (touch wood) have lasted well (16 years)

Morning each - beautiful pictureskew day here - still the light covering of snow from last night but disappearing in the sun. Don't think there's much danger of seeing neti's bloomers shaney....according to one of her posts (midsummer B&S) she's often dancing around naked. Trollop.

Shopping again Vinny? stop loitering round the lingerie department & bring us some cakes .... our hostess doesn't sem to be doing much catering. What do you have to do to get room service around here? I'll try this buzzer......


probably best not to help yourself to his french fancies

oh that's good news woofgang, my dentist more or less suggested that if I were to actually bite anything with my forthcoming veneer, or tap a pen on it, it would fall off. But because the tooth is mostly filling already, there wasn't enough to plug a proper crown onto.

my teeth

Afternoon All. Vinny's gone all poetic on us about the weather - wot's up? Mind you it is a lovely day over here but very cold. Yes Woofy have heard of the Pogues. I have their recording of Fairy Tale of New York with KirstyMacColl on a Xmas CD. The singer last night mentioned them when I asked him what their name meant. They were excellent for a 'pub' band and I shall definitely go and see them again.

At the risk of becoming a bore I'm and off out again tonight to a 40th birthday party. The girl who's birthday it is is special needs and her Mum is my friend. She organised the party at a pub in a village near here. I'm looking forward as I shall probably see people I haven't seen for some time.

And finally!!! Derby were leading 1 - 0 BUT Watford have just scored so I'm now off to sulk in my tea!! :o(

tut ...tut & thrice tut.....stop the world I want to get off!! If that's our entry into Eurovision I just hope it gets nil points. Unfortunately caught the winner waiting for Casualty to come on....some bloke from the beer-off in a hoody shrugging his shoulders & rapping....I ask you, rapping! Then I went in the music category & find them all not only talking about stuff I've never heard of but doing text speak...aaagghhh. And someone's been letting off fireworks - in March.

I'm going to put my flamenco shoes on & run up & down the corridor.....

.....even he agrees yes

Hi Robinia Was it that bloke with the kids that won? I just saw him before I went out. What rubbish! Mind you it's usually a daft song that wins in the end isn't it?

The doesn't seem to be many of us about tonight. probably all tucked up where it's warm. I'm just having my Horlicks then I'll skim through the tv channels then I'll see there's nothing on then go to bed so I'll say goodnight now.

Morning Folks...!..tis a lovely day again....and getting warmish by wednesday..

I wondered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden Biddys.. now who said I was getting poetic..hehe...!spent last evening decorating me daughters room..and putting together a computer desk...(the instructions were pathetic..)..Aaargh...!.might as well been in were...hehe...(:)

will return later to annoy everybody....(:)oh sugar me toasts burning>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>im gone...!

But soft! What wind through yonder window breaks?
It is the yeast and sprouts that Vinny's been on.

Morning Vinny & all - tis lovely here too. We've had another light covering of snow in the night - the birds are going to be building little igloos instead of nests at this rate. A computer desk? Anymore puta hogs in your house & you'll have to go to the library to annoy us Biddies.

Morning everybody as Robinia says it's a lovely morning here and I'm still sitting around in my dressing gown. Must get cracking! I'm listening to a Chicargo CD. Did actually 'blitz' my house yesterday except for one room which will be done today. That's not bad going for me! I'm going to have a quiet day I think. Must make a move see you later.....:o)

hehe Robinia...!ive even got one in me lav...!


right that's me coffee break over(back on me that's another joke....)im just putting her putta back...turned it on..and hundreds of msn messenger boxes came up....the user name's her mates use...tut tut....!(:)catch you in my next break....!>whoosh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(:)

Robinia Just remembered you wanted to know what the food was like at the Bluey. Well it was lovely I had roast beef and it was so tender and there was stacks of veg etc. It was �3.99 after 5.00 pm. There were lots of people in as well. Will definitely go again.

what is this snow everyone keeps talking about? I've seen about three flakes all winter. Okay, I live some way south, but not exactly in Ghana. It's been chilly a long time, longer than I can recall for several winters (for the last few years blossom's been out on the trees by now), but almost never below freezing.

It's that white stuff you ski on, is it?

Hi gessoo, OK you twisted my arm. Trouble is, I spend so long on Answerbank, that if I join Biddybank none of my housework or ironing will get done ... too addictive !! And you are all so clever with all your photos (the bed looks fab vinny very tempting) but I will keep reading your posts and join in when I get time ! x

Hello Jno Where do you live then?

Hi Judie Glad to see you made it. Vinny is really good with the pics!

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Hi judie welcome. Lay back and enjoy yourself. Not many here at the moment and I am going for long lie-down in front of log fire and going to doze (that's what biddies do). Yes it is hard to get any work done on here, so we don't bother. he he.
picture for judiewudie
Hi Neti sorry I didn't say hi before I didn't realize you were here. Hope you enjoy your doze. I'm going to do the Sunday paper crosswords and relax.

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