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Pensioners licence

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netibiza | 22:39 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please may the oldies around here (mainly me) have licence tp make mistakes with countries and things.  Thank you.


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Big Hi to PatMacs....honestly why don't you give us a try, we aren't at all scary

Morning Biddybabes...Its Pancake Day...!! please help yourselfs...


oooops...nearly forgot the lemons..


oh..go on shaney....(btw...thanks for the backupxxx)

hiya patmacs..if you've got seaweed on yer roof..i can send some over ..half-price..hehe....!um...better mow me lawn before the snows settles.


(:)nice to hear from you dolly..(:)

It's snowing here.Freezing cold...I could really kill a fry up.

Bet you were glad to see the rain Dolly.My brother gets hardly any rain but when it does it really rains! Last lot he had their roof was leaking.

Hope every one is well today.Thanks for the piccie Woofgang..but I think I have a little bit more to get off until I look that !

Enjoy carnival Neti...I used to love carnival when we lived in Germany .They have a big one in D�sseldorf. Where my M-I-L lives they have a local one.She is making pancakes for her neighbours today and then they have got a card school this afternoon.These women are all over 85 !!

It is now snowing so hard I can hardly see out of the window. Shane will love this when we go out for walkies shortly.
Have a good day all...don't eat too many pancakes Vinny!!
P.Hi patmacs...come and join in...Vinny isn't at all frightening !!
He's an old pussycat .!! Vinny hurls a lemon at me!!

afternoon all - saw all the snow on tv first thing this morning & decided to go & do the shopping before it arrives here! The biddies are all out there stocking up - where do they put it all? - I reckon you grow another stomach when you get to 70.

well done for losing that weight btw shaney - I could do with exactly that much on if you're still parting with it.

Dolly it's so that my family don't have to sort through my junk that I'm doing it now. Not that I plan on departing just yet but as woofy says it makes the housework so much easier. Well that's the plan. I know how it feels to have to sort out a 'squirrel's' house - 4 yrs ago we (me & sister) spent weeks clearing my mum's after she died. And 2 yrs ago we had to do it all again for my brother who has Parkinson's disease & could no longer take care of himself. He's now in a lovely homely residential home with fantastic staff, & is happy & very well taken care of.

Love the earbags woofy & they might double up as erm, biddybuzoomboosters when the weather warms up.

Thanks for the pancakes Vinny but I like orange on mine please - or is it satsuma? I've got you a little present in return - have a feeling you like diy

helloo to patmacs - we're not scary - weird maybe yes.

Hello Everybody Hope you've all enjoyed your pancakes.

Will somebody please tell me who PatMacs is can't find him/he anywhere.

Hello Dolly hope you are ok.

It's been a beautiful sunny day here and I've been to Derby with my sister I've spent a fortune on clothes and shoes she's been doing a

Trinny & Suzanna on me

I really enjoyed myself.

It's been a beautiful sunny day here and I've been on a shopping spree with my sister she's been doing a

Don't know what happened there - I've not been drinking honest! :o)

yeh right Jude we believe ya.... ;-)
lucky you - a new look - that's what I plan on treating myself to when I've finished all this sorting .... I desperately need some new shoes. Yes it's been a lovely day but me bloomers froze (on the line not on me) I'd washed them by hand while the machine did the coloureds so they didn't get spun & I didn't hang them in the sunny spot - don't want to scare the neighbours.


Patmacs isn't on here yet (neti's friend who reads our crazy goings on)

Hi Robinia yes had great time in town. Going to a party on Sat. so will get dolled up! Haven't done anything houseworkwise today. (nothing unusual there-I hear you all say)

Hello Patmacs, I was really shy when I joined the Biddies but I feel fine now - Come on in - make yourself at home. :o)

Hello Neti if you're there. Just to say I hope you enjoyed the carnival and you've stopped worrygutting a bit. I did read you post about Patmacs but didn't think to sent her a message at the time. So...

Another message for Patmacs

You dont have to be mad to come on here but if you are it helps

Evening bids,just on me way down to the old pub(9:0clock skittle match)had a few Becks dont make any difference to my performance ...i always close me eyes when i throw...and im the top scorer...hehe..(:)i see judes repeating always happens when you been on the old Biddy thread fer a few weeks....(after six get the men in white coats knocking at yer door)Blimey..its only 3 months ago..we..rescued...gessoo..she's alright now...after a bit of detox...!!the doctor told her ..only go on the biddybank once a day.....hehe..(:)anybody got a hammer and pancakes stuck to the ceiling....if I cant get it paint it white..and tell everyone(who asks)its a smoke detector..(:)whoooshh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>im gone...catch yer later...cobblers its snowing...(:)
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Well hello there! Had a lovely time at the carnival and have to admit it was a good procession this year, had a few shandies and we all had different take aways for dinner although I had prepared a beef stew. Daughter has gone - where to - three guesses, yep out partying and I AM NOT GOING TO WORRYGUT TONIGHT if I can possibly help it. Took loads of photos but half of them are of the road, guess photography is not my thing. Ah well back to the tv, old tidytins is in bed so am enjoying myself with choccies.
I'm off now, Night Neti glad you had a good time and Vinny hope you won!! Work for me tomorrow ugh! Snow threatening. Goodnight All

evening neti - glad you had a good time. You'd better send some stew to Vinny, looks like he'll be snowed in tomorrow. Heard they were due about 3 foot of it down Biddycombe way - oh no wait... he's a veggy....I'll send him some of these pancakes I made. I was going to varnish them & use them as coasters but a quick zap in the micro should make em flexible again.
Vinny are you sure it's not everyone else that closes their eyes?

night Jude - better leave your skis handy
Sleep well Robinia.
Raging blizzard all day here and we have about four inches of snow out there at the moment. Poor old Shane was flabbergasted when I just let him out for his last wee.
Sleep well all.

Morning all - well there's nothing like a blob of ice cream on your bazooms to wake you up in a morning. Ok it wasn't really ice cream but that's what the shower gel felt like...aagghh. I'm going to start leaving it nearer the radiator....& then I'll forget & get in the shower. Not that I needed waking up - been awake most of the night, there seemed to be a horrible atmosphere - or maybe I had too many of Vinny's pancakes.

Not a flake of snow here, extremely cold & it's a beautiful clear blue sky so if you're snowed in you have my sympathy & my shovel. I love to see dogs going potty in the snow - they all seem to do it - but if we have more than 6ins Charlie's going to be in real trouble.

oh it's the first of the month

white rabbits

Pinch and punch for the first of the month !!
We have thick snow here here is Shaney this morning having a roll about in it.
I want you all on parade with your shovels asap !!
And I don't want any excuses about frozen bloomers Robinia!!
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Ooooh Shaney you lucky people - here it's sun, sun sun although chilly. Another carnival this afternoon - but I'll stay at home. Confession to make, when daughter was knocking on front door at 6.45am I was fast asleep and didn't even hear, so much for me worrygutting eh??

Good news is that the old Biddygym over here won 2nd prize, loads of fat little old ladies dancing through the streets dressed as Charleston dancers.

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