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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Ahh interesting post pickle - but no women staff at Vinny's. Had to giggle at shaneystar's wonky keyboard it was so funny.
I thought that shaneystar had gone on the zider and come over all zummerzet!!
Question Author

Morning all - anybody want to feel my bump? To be honest everyone's post looked like shaneystar's to me last's still swollen but no pretty colours....yet.
Weather here is filthy, raining & very dark especially now the snow is going.

IAP - that can't be Vinny - as neti says there are no women. Anyway I've got him a treat from the agency - this'll get him on his feet & back in here in no time forVinny

dons overall and turban & sings a la Hilda Ogden .....Luuuuve is a many splendoured thiiiiiing........lets get on with this cleaning....

I reckon they've all been on the zyder woofy.Thats the last time i stay at your house iap......!!...just had a delivery for the Biddygrotto ...!

beer now..thats what you call a nice pair..(:)


passes over a bag of frozen peas to Robinia..blimey the ED will think wev'e all had a punch up.

wave's to ed...are you back yet..!(i think father xmas half-inched that rug you gave me for xmas...??(:)..

Question Author

....oooonce on a high and windy hill.....

C'mon Vinny lift yer feet up I'm trying to clean....ugh them slippers need to be put down....... the morning mist ....two lovers kissed....

Morning all. Snowing here and still cold but they say it is going to warm up from tomorrow. Am typing very gingerly ..I'll swear this keyboard is jinxed.It only ever throws a wobbly on AB.
Sorry I haven't been along to help with the cleaning Robinia.To be quite honest I am still sat here in my dressing gown !
If you do find my dentures down the back of the settee I would be pleased to see them !
Doesn't Vinny look sweet in his bathtub.!

Robinia...?is your surname Hill.....oh...

I was going to sing..the hills are alive with the sound of music..! cant help it if my slippers smell....there fishy ones..(:)


Woofy..methinks they've all been on the zyder.

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Morning shaneystar - Vinny looks sweet??? You should be standing where I'm standing......he keeps asking me to look for the I fetched him the carbolic from the scullery.

Don't feel bad about the cleaning - just pop a slice of bread on the toasting fork please it must be cheese on toast time. I hope no one minds my little dog being here today....oh look, he looks so happy - almost like he's grinning...........oh heck.........

......... charlie drop them! drop shaney's teeth at once!!!

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Oh I can do Sound of Music Vinny.......High on a hill was a lonely goatherd.... layeeo de layeeeo de lay...EE...O......
I swear you are all bonkers - I thought shaneystar was more Zsa Zsa Gabor - not somerset.
Question Author's getting a bit hard to clean with you lot wandering in and out.....hold still Vinny while I give yer slippers a squirt of Flit.........

.....soon the duet will become a trio.......layeeo de layeeeo de lay......

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Who are you calling bonkers nuttibiza????????

Where's that cardinal red doorstep paint gone??? Have you been doing your nails with it ?

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I know's.dreadful the way he wastes our hard earned Biddy pensions on Fishnets,Becks and manservants while we struggle to find the money for new hairnets and denture fixative !!
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Well it's no good trying to find a rich fella shaneystar, heaven knows how I've tried......

my blind-date

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Having spotted you around the AB site shaneystar may I just say that unfortunately I can't help with your health probs but I hope you feel better very soon. However, I can help with your New Year smoking resolution

--------------->>>zaps shaneystar with waterpistol<<<<

you'll thank me one day

shaneystar can't help you either with your health problems but we can keep your morale up (or should that be morals!). Talk to us when you need to unload - we are here for you.xxxxx
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Put that water pistol down at once robinia!!
You have just ruined my wash and set and I have run out of hairnets.Sob !!
Thank you for your kind words neti..I am going to try and give up smoking but don't hold your breath name it I have tried it..Hynoptism,patches,gum,zyban,cold turkey and I am still puffing away merrily.My brothers have all given up and can bore for England on the subject.They constantly nag at me.
What I need is that nice man from Allen Carrs to come and live in my house or I need to be locked in room with no fags until I overcome the cravings.
I gave up when I was pregnant but took it up again like a fool.I am going to give it another I do every New Year !!

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