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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Vinny - what are you talking about? You've lost me! (I know you weren't exactly talking to me but I'm nosey!)
No need to explain Vinny just found out what your on about!
Sorry but if I can crack it I bet it wouldn't take the invaders long! :o)
If you can understand what I've just written you're a 'better man' than me!!!

Am all defrosted and still no pain. Have just watched "Emergency Ward 10" on movie matinee, can anyone else remember it?? It made me feel 16 again, obviously it was in black and white, but if I remember correctly the world was black and white then. Ah happy days..........

PS what is Vinny on about I can't work it out. Thanks for all the kind thoughts.

vinny, how bona to varda your dolly old eek!!
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IAP, where do you find them??
PS Neti, try a large medicinal brandy....very good for killing the pain and disinfecting the wound. I do sympathise with your behaviour at the dentist. If I have to have any of my front teeth filled, big tears roll down my cheeks as the injections go in, my dentist, who is a sweet man and cute as a button, feels AWFUL

Now dona(netti)aunt nell and learn this by the weekend,and it will be boaroo...!

here if the ED reads this she will think wev'e all gone loopy..right got to find me valley drags...its getting a bit chilly.(:)

Woofy nice to see your pleasant face to.

glad you like me hair IAP..are you a crimper?

( :)

Blimey..I think your right pickle.........!


(:)hi jude.

shaney have a fag in CB..Robinia wont find you in there...(:)

I am now convinced you are all completely MAD!!!!!!!

Somebody's mentioned jack hargreaves in P&P.

just couldnt you remember this lovely song

Say what you will
The countryside is still
The only place that I could settle down
Troubles there are so much rarer
Out of town

Spring starts to spring
Robins start to sing
And Mother Nature wears her newest gown
What I'd give once more to live right
Out of town

Up there the sun
Is a big yellow duster
Polishing a clear, blue sky
With bright fluffy clouds in a cluster
Hanging on the line to dry

Spring starts to spring
Robins start to sing
And Mother Nature wears her newest gown
What I'd give once more to live right
Out of town . ..Magic...( :)

You cant say that netti...!what's Robinia gonna say..?when they let her out in the morning...He..He(:)
Can't be a***d to translate. Going to stick to 'english'. Dont carE about invaders, we can sort them out between us. Am I bovvered! Is this face bovvered! I AM NOT BOVVERED!
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Woah.............ode it a minute!!!!! First I find me inbox full to bustin' & when I get here you're all talking a new language. If yer not careful I'll bat yer tabs.

neti it's getting like Emergency ward 10 in here......not sure about the black & white but there's plenty of grey about........hehe.......

Jude I didn't get much dust-busting done..... once I'd heard on the news that today is officially the most depressing day of the year I went into a decline. I love Andrea B too & I've not listened to him for ages.
So Vinny, have you got a voice like that? Lovely song btw.... Please
stop encouraging shaney to be naughty I will find out about it....!!!

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never mind in the morning Vinny..........I'm here now!!!!!

Robinia Funny you should say that about today being the most depressing day of the year, I really did feel a bit down. Must be just because I had my family round me at Christmas and now everybody is doing the normal things again. But 5 mins on here and I'm fine again! I wonder why!!!??

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haha Jude - well in this grotto we all leave our brains in our fur trimmed, zip-up ankle boots at the door. I always have to laugh in here - usually at myself!!
I take it that you're not the Derbyshire woman who's won a million on the Premium bonds??? And you can rest assured it wasn't me either..... :-(

just remembered .....I don't have any.....that'll be why then..

Nor me Robinia but I did win a tenner on the lotto but that was used on taxis to get me to and from work because of the ice on the roads!! Just my luck!

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