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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Goodnight all. Back to the grind tomorrow at 6. See you soon no doubt! Thanks for the natter!
How can I go into CB and have a ciggie ..they have closed it down. I am wandering around AB like a wraith now with Robinia in hot pusuit with air freshener and Flit. And I still don't what Vinny is chuntering on about !
You are dead right about the most depressing day of the year.The weather here today has been dank and dismal and everyone is walking about with a long included.! Glad you are OK Neti.My gums are still sore and I have to put Bongela on them ....
Shaneystar I believe Vinny is speaking in Polari, the hidden language of the homosexuals (he posted a link back in the early 800s). Legend has it they all used to hang around gay bars (as they weren't then known) talking this sort of stuff, which must have curdled the Babycham. A bit of it used to find its way into Kenneth Williams sketches on Round the Horne. I suppose a PolariBank could be set up for those who want to practise, though it's a bit late being Christmas Fairies now.
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can't help wondering why on earth ballet dancers would invent a private language, IAP - I mean, it's not really something people usually do - any ideas?
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right you are IAP - thanks

Well of course I would not have understood any of that language - I'm still struggling with Spanish and English. Feel fine today.

this is for gessoo so she isn't missing out on Barcelona


although inSpain there is always a black one! Hope you are feeling better.

smudge hope things are bearable. Thinking of you.x

Polari FAQ
What is it?
Polari is a more recent spelling. In the past, it was also known as Palari, Palare, Parlaree or a variety of similar spellings. It is mainly a lexicon, derived from a variety of sources. Some of the most common include rhyming slang, backslang (saying a word as if it's spelt backwards), Italian, Occitan, French, Lingua Franca, American airforce slang, drug-user slang, Parlyaree (an older form of slang used by tinkers, beggars and travelling players(:)

Aha! Thank you jno and IAP for claryfying Vinnys goobledegook.
There is a new programme called Balderdash and Piffle which we recorded .I watched it last night and they were talking about Polari on there. The programme is about etymology and getting new words and phrases into the OED. They said it is sort of Italian with possibly a bit of Yiddish thrown in, and also used in the Navy quite a lot years ago.

I still think you are all mad................


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Morning all...... I love it here - everyday is a whole new experience! Mad neti? (Love the pic) yes, but it's never boring is it?? Shaneystar's grumblings & jno's Christmas fairies have made me splutter my weety pops all over the screen.

So we're all speaking a new lingo now? I thought we Biddies already did....lots of people give me that quizzical look when I'm rambling on.

Sorry I ambled off last night Jude - I went to watch Holby & then I got into Three Men in a Boat. Not keen on Rory McGrath (sp?) tho' - how hideous did he look in those shorts?

Right I'm gonna get rid of the silver cobwebs and all decorations - ahem who is that upside down in bran tub? well never mind I'm chucking them out. Gonna paint the whole biddygrotto a wonderful multi colour. Any suggestions. Will also get new throws for the hay bales so will look quite comfy. I've ordered a gas telly for the corner. Any old furniture will be appreciated.


Is AB Ed back - I do hope we are not getting a new one, as they won't be as kind or loving to us.


errrr has shaneystar been near the bran tub???


Sorry about the gobbledegook shaney,but I took an IQ test and the results were negative.(:)dont forget,It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser. (:)

now go and hide in H&G behind the robinia's...she will never think of looking there..(:)

Hi and Happy New Year to all in the Biddygrotto.My computer decided to have problems over Christmas and New Year so I've been absent ,just caught up with pages and pages of Biddybank banter & I laughed my head off !(it;s rolling round the floor but I'll keep on typing by feel !!!) Sorry Smudge about your dear sister . I've brought some Syrup of figs for the Potion Pot ,it will give Robinia some get up & GO (he he ) . We had Christmas in the hottest December ever , air conditioners going like mad ,kids & grandkids in the pool . I can't go in ,whales not allowed !!!!! Bye for now , Dolly

Pickle...!!!! did you have to buy Robinia a bike for xmas......(:)


Hello, Dolly, well, hello, Dolly.
It's so nice to have you back where you belong.
You're looking swell, Dolly,
we can tell, Dolly,
you're still glowin', you're still crowin',
you're still goin' strong.
We feel the room swayin
for the band's playin
one of your old fav-rite songs from way back when.
So, take her wrap, biddys,
find her an empty lap, biddys
Dolly'll never go away again...(:)

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I've ben wondering abot the Ed myself neti.....who elected you as interior designer btw? I sense a disaster coming on.....puts colander on head in anxious anticipation......

Robinia inspects fag end for evidence of shaneystar's Tangee lipstick...... intense-scrutiny

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