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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Welcome back Dolly I was wondering where you'd gone!! You might find a few mince pies in the scullery - don't worry about the nibble marks, they're the ones that the mice wouldn't eat.

Vinny it's not as good as my old

My little band of spring cleaning helpers - think Vinny and pickle are in it.


Oh dear ,I seem to have set fire to the Biddybin .
I'll scrub it out with Vim post haste Robinia and promise not to do it again.I have taken all the deccies and tree down today ..what a palaver.I could do with those Mrs.Mops Netti.!
Hi again Dolly ..I assume you live in Australia ? As you said it was very hot.
My eldest brother is in Oz and he always rubs it in about the hot weather at Christmas! I retaliate and send him pictures of snow !!

Managed today to go back and read through a lot of the threads.

Smudge - So sorry about your dear sister. Lots of Love to you and your family.

I am now much more comfortable and not counting the hours between pain killers. Have got someone coming in to do housework next week who can hopefully help me out for a few months. I am not supposed to bend or lift anything. Making the most of being an invalid and fortunately Mr Gessoo is quite a good cook. However, men don't seem to realise that loos and sinks don't clean themselves or that when you have five hairy pets (and two hairy men) it's sometimes a good idea to hoover!!!!.

You lot are such a great laugh!!! Keep up the good work!

At least Dr Groves hasn't made an appearance!!!

Lots of Love from me to all of you.

Come on Biddybankers - let's rally to the cause - all down to Gessoo's to do the cleaning - Who can sort out a cleaning rota. I'll hoover. Pickle can do the loos. Any more offers, no Robinia sitting and drinking tea with gessoo may be very nice but not on the cleaning rota.

I'll polish. I like doing that! Sad person aren't I!

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Flippin' heck neti whose cleaners are they? The Addams family? A bit scary - think I'd rather have the silver cobwebs......
Hope you haven't thrown out the paper chains 'cos they're woofgangs & she'll want them for next year. And who's in charge of ironing the used wrapping paper? If you remove the sello carefully it'll do another three years at least.

shaney I think you should send your brother pics of the BiddyGrotto - he'll be back here in a have you examined probably!!

Good to see you're feeling a bit better gessoo!! We'll be round very soon........really, we insist.......stop protesting, it's no trouble ........honestly, you can't manage you silly thing........

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There you go gessoo - Jude will make your brass knobs sparkle like never can you refuse now?

Back again for a while - Thank you Dolly, gessoo & whoever else has sent their good wishes to me in the past few days. I don't know what I'd have done without my husband, daughters & grandchildren around me.

My dear sister wouldn't want us to mope around until her memorial service at the end on the month, so I've kept myself busy all day. I've taken down the Christmas tree, decorations & lights - they're all back in the loft now! I've also cleaned, dusted, beeswaxed & hoovered everywhere!

I would love to join in & help gessoo with the housework, but I'm worn out now! I'm just going to have some dinner, then do absolutely nothing!

BTW, who is Dolly?

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Hi smudge - glad you're keeping busy! It does help especially on these dark dreary days of January.
Dolly joined our crazy GrottoGang a couple of days in - the more Biddies/old lads the merrier....and it might help to convince Ed we really need our own place.

We sem to have lost Peri & thikasabrik along the way, and Cetti hasn't been in for a few days. Hope they're all ok!

Ha Ha robinia ..I think my brother should have been examined years ago !! I think he has done his bit down under(pardon the pun) for the population explosion.He has eight children and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Glad to see you are feeling a little better Gessoo. We don't mind coming round on the Biddybus to help you...honestly. We won't bring Vinny he will only get under our feet.Old lads are getting short on the ground at the moment.I shall have to breeze round AB and see whom I can recruit.
What do you mean ..No.... we'll soon sort the hairy Gessoos out !! I'm a dab hand with a loo brush and a feather duster.
But no ironing please.I have enough of my own !!
Glad you are feeling better's coming up to the anniversary of my dear Dad who passed away on my birthday and I know it's a long time ago but you never forget do you.

Robinia - I have cut up the wrapping paper into squares and put in the NooLoo - surely we are not so poor as to have to use it again for Xmas??


smudge - on a more serious note, will your sister's memorial service be in Eastbourne?
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Eight children shaneystar!!! They've been very busy haven't they.....must be all that sunshine.
Apparently Nestle are having problems with all the emails they've received during the past few weeks....I couldn't stop laughing it'll be all the complaints about Tip Top - serves 'em right!!!

Here's Robinia fighting the cause!!!


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That's very nice neti but I'm a bit worried about having HoHoHo transfered onto me bum............NO IAPickle don't even think about posting pictures!!!

Ah yes Robinia I remember when we had "peace in our time" printed on our behinds and everyone wanted to read it!!!

Hi Neti - my nephew is having two memorial services for Amy.

The first one is mainly for her friends to attend & will be held in Eastbourne (Amy had lived in a bungalow in Blue Haze Avenue, then moved to a smaller place in Sutton Road in March 05 - so she never got to have a Christmas there).

The second memorial service will be held in Bexleyheath (Amy had lived in Springfield Road, for over 30 years - then moved to Eastbourne to live near her son, then he went to live in Spain last year - typical!) This service will for family & friends. As you may recall, I am one of 10 children & Amy is/was the eldest - so it has hit us all very hard. She is the first of the siblings to pass away - it's a scary thought thinking who's next?

Thanks again for asking Neti.

don't worry about the paper chains, specially not the ones that shaneystar has been hiding her dead dog ends in.

I have saved and ironed the warpping paper and will make the scouts make some more during bob a job week. The going rate is a bob for about a mile of paperchains, if they complain I feed them my special bran muffins.

(looks around) my goodness, the cleaners have done an interesting job here...I wonder if harpic was the best thing to use to get the stains out of the carpet?? still now it matches the pattern on the wallpaper, I guess that was caused by the flame thrower? Anyway Ed will have to redecorate us now...btw what has happened to Ed? I haven't seen any little pink boxes for ages.

Buenas dias amigos - today is our second Xmas. Tonight the Three Kings arrive with presents and it's cold and raining. I don't think I'll be bothered to walk to town as it gets so overcrowded and we have no little ones to get presents (daughter buys what she wants at her age)

Tomorrow is a big family day with no shops open. Here endeth the first lesson.

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