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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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rofl!! youve just described my driving skills Jno, and thats on a good day...ok, i bake every thursday so i shall be making Battenburg and fairy buns for you all, with a large dollop of butter icing and definately no sour grapes!

I get so cross with ppl like the pink bird getting at other nice peeps for just chatting that i ramble in order to get my worms out quickly, it has been pointed out that things written in this vein really make no sense whatsoever, so i shall use spell/grammar/intelligence check before i click submit :-), so, oh hell, where was i,...i actually have no idea where i was going with this, so...GOOD MORNING one and all!

Oh dear was taken to my bed for one day with a touch of flu and all hell breaks loose. First of all

Happy belated birthday wishes to Shaneystarxxxx

Apologies for the invasion - I skivved off of my guard duties the other night. Will do overtime this week with my Harry Potter Blanket.

Poor smudge hope it all goes well. Not all it's cracked up to be this growing old is it???

I would like to know how the CBers know about the grotto as it's so far back in the annals of AB!!

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.....peeps through letterbox to check it's safe but carrying spiky old lav brush just in case.....

Good Morning ... waving brush ... I've had a bad night & I'm going to be busy this morning so you'd better all be on your best behaviour.

jno it wasn't you who posted that joke before - it was me :-) ....I think.....yes, because it's me & my sister - she drives I don't. Don't worry - this lot probably won't remember......

quibb, plenty of marzipan on the BiddyBurg cake please although I dread to think what this place will look like after we've dribbled butter icing everywhere.

neti, as I suspected I think they've been watching us all along.....hope they haven't been taking photos. It's gonna cost us a small fortune to get them back. Hope you're feeling better.....have a sniff of these smelling salts...

Better plump up the cushions for when smudge gets back......

be good......

Oh dear, I put all my daily intake of pills into a little container (well big container!!!) as I kept forgetting which ones I had taken. Now I have lost the container!!!

Hope you are feeling better Netti. I'll send Vinny over on the donkey to rub some Vick into your chest.

Actually, feeling a great deal better as at least I am getting some sleep (with the help of valium! (prescribed by doctor to relax the muscle spasm in my back). Just about to take a bath. I hate baths, but can't stand up long enough to take a shower.

Take care Smudge

I don't like Marzipan quibb, but fairy cakes sound just fine!! Welcome to our grotto = at least it's a lovely place of refuge where you know you will get a warm welcome and be at peace with the world.

Im on me way gessoo...netti get yer chest ready...!!



Any new Biddys will have to take this test....!!


Um...we wont go into what the old gits have to do....(:~)

That cracked me up Vinny - thankfully, mine dont look like that yet!

Have you still got the Flit handy Robinia?

(Speakers on & click on to which type you'd like to listen too)!

P.S. Got up bright & early for my 'arm' appointment, looked on the calender & it's not until 4:10pm! See old age does affect your memory & now I have all day to think about it - yuk!

stay on here and keep your thoughts occupied smudge

also belated wishes to shaneystar hope you have a wonderful year

I am waiting fore the gasman to come and service my central know the setup, "sometime this morning madam"

dog is cheesed off and bored becaiuse I can't take her out, AND I am supposed to go to work this afternoon.....GRRRRR

I am wondering if the Biddygrotto is doomed, can anyone of us (certainly not moi!) open a webpage or chatroom, if you see what I mean so we can continue on as Biddybankers if the AB Ed shuts us down? Ed has been very quiet and I am wondering if he/she/it has been removed for being too lenient. I certainly can't face each day without visiting the Biddybank.
Thank you Neti and Woofgang...I'll think I will go along with Smudge and keep her company...perhaps they could fit me up with a new head as it is banging away like billy O this morning.That will teach me not to ever drink again.
Perhaps Robinia you come round and give me a squirt of Flit.......which will either kill or cure.! As for losing ones memory..I put the salt and pepper away in the fridge the other day !

For shaneystar to help get better


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Ahhh peace reigns supreme in cobweb corner

Had to have a look in as I eat my cheese on toast - I have you shaneystar to thank for my addiction - irritable innards permitting. Breathing in a good combo of Jeyes & carbolic is what you need for that head or would you prefer to clean out the chickens?

smudge I know how you feel. I try to make appointments for a.m.if poss. Trouble is I lie awake all night & worry instead!

Hope the gas man has been woofgang. Mine turned up a day early last week...if you're still waiting the best way to make him arrive is go to loo, start a phone conversation or try on your new libby bodice...or preferably all three.

gesso anymore days like yesterday & we'll be fighting you for the valium

bless you neti - how could they boot us all out? We're soooo lovable .......aren't we? We'd all be on the bus to the therapist instead of unloading on here.
Will have to get my computer wizard son on the case for a 'Ye Olde Tea Shoppe site'

VINNY!! - behave - and I don't pass that test.....when you're fun size they don't do any swingin' ....just twitch a bit.

Not gessoo but guess who??????


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neti don't suppose you know where Pickle is?

Am I the only one doing any work around here ???

I can't download the granny pic, but saw a small version of it on the previous page. Oh to look that good!!!
No Robi haven't seen or heard from pickle since before the New Year - I do owe him an email so had better send it. He probably likes to think he's not an old biddy/fart but he is really.
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He probably got arrested for wearing his xmas sweater in public neti - please tell him I apologise, I'll try to do better next year....I'll knit novelty socks instead

I've just been perusing Suggestions and it's like a war zone. Whatever is happening to dear old AB? It'll be closed completely if this continues. Where is dear old ED? Best to bring back CB and let them all murder each other and we can remain cosy in our little grotto, oh and by the way am thinking of building an extention


Or this little shack netti.


I think we will see changes to AB in the next few days...background topic etc...that's why eds keeping her head down(crosses fingers)(:)

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