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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Congrats woofgang!!

I was waiting for someone to have the honour - here's your prize......a new lav brush, get on with it....

unfortunately the bitterness has kicked in on suggestions - I hope no one joins in with the thread, however tempted you may be....I for one don't want to argue with anyone.

no, keeping tne head down seems to be the best bet. Which is sad as its a defining quality of biddies and farts to like to share their good times. I liked jno's post, a good mixture of honesty and biddidom!

still no sign of the Ed, do you think it was choppy choptime or is the US proving difficult to leave? Haven't seen ANY moderation going on and I think the posting on cerescape was an impostor, you don't get your details validated there!

spent a fascinating day today cleanng up, so my prize will come in handy, took the old one to clean flowerpots with!



ive only got nicola reds birthday for this month.Robinia(cheeky monkey)now whats been going on in suggestions..must have a peep...!(:)

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let's just hope that, along with any possibility of Ed changes, it's not biddydoom. Has anyone checked the NooLoo maybe ed's trapped in there? I keep hearing a faint whirring noise - surely those batteries wouldn't have lasted this long....would they??

I've not recovered from my fascinating escapades in the oven yesterday - I might have done a better job with a lav brush.

Thank you all you dear folks for your good wishes.Have had a
lovely day and had some lovely presents of which was a watercolour set and easel from my brothers which I was thrilled to bits with. My three great nephews bought me a set of CD's all heavy rock get your earplugs out !! Had a lovely lunch with Mr:S and my family .

What's all this kerfuffle over on Suggestions.
Must admit having downed a few drinkie poos I had to have my fourpennorth !!

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shaney, unfortunately the post you had a rant in was actually started as a dig at us (BiddyBank) - that's why I decided, hard as it was, to stay well out. Ne'er mind, it'll all get wiped soon hopefully.

neti - you're back on guard duty tonight....

Do you think so robinia...after all we are way down in the dark and dusty realms of AB by now surely.I can't understand why a greenie would go to all the trouble of scrolling through all those threads just to have a pop at poor old Biddys like us.
Just made a note..."read all posts throughly."
Pooh to them ..if they turn up on here I shall shake my walking stick at 'em.B.cheek and we had permission from Ed too !
We'lll end up congregating in motoring at this rate.
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shaney the post refers to BB in the same sentence as the words 'mindless drivel' & 'given carte blanche' - sounds like a dig from quibm (not the greenie) to me....

best all left now methinks.....I'm off to eat the celebratory cake I'd made for 1000 posts.......

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btw Vinny - I know you'd have posted shaney's birthday if you'd known about it.........admit it, you like it when we inflict a little discipline.
Now then open your mouth >>>>stuffs it full of cake>>>
There, it's all gone now....
honestly, there are people out there so inexperienced they can't even tell the difference between mindless drivel and distilling the wisdom of the ancients, which is what Biddies do.
Its best not to retaliate...runs over there and pours custard in there ears..(:)He He...!
Well pontificating patronising people like that get up my nose. I used to have deal with people like this in my working life and don't like it when they start on innocent people for no reason.Are we doing any harm ..No.We are on one thread down in the dungeons. So why don't they butt out and bog off.They just upset the apple cart for others.Vinny is really welcome to go and pour fruit and custard in their ears.And poke them with his loo brush.And they are still at..mind you Dot is giving them a run for their money now!! I shall stay out of it .Not worth getting het up about . Mind you I was taken aback at that clone who answered on my birthday thread...B.Cheek.
Anyway cheers all...sips Southern Comfort ..Mmm.
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Many of the ones that have been complaining about the demise of cb are now demonstrating the exact behaviour that caused it.

Vinny don't waste good custard, use the Flit spray

Well-done Woofgang on posting the 1,000th answer!

I see what you mean Robinia..have been having a look Not worth getting involved ..I've said my piece but I am sure this is an imposter.Jolly thick skinned one at that !! Perhaps they live in a grove somewhere.All sounds too familiar !!

Discreetly - Is this the one you mean Robinia? If so, I've posted on it! :o]

Hey, guess what? I've just found a new Post-Office to collect our Pensions from!

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no smudge - this current thread which, to my eyes, takes a swipe at us for being allowed to stay. Someone called citygirl recently complained about the chat in suggestions. Quib's obviously miffed 'cos we still have this - shame she feels like that about one single thread.

I think it's time to leave them all to their squabbles - keep ya heads down & maintain a dignified silence....

shaneystar I'm not keen on pontificating and patronising behaviour myself (unless of course it comes from me). All the same, it seemed to me that the contributor in question, while undoubtedly argumentative, was mostly civil... but now I see all the CBers are jubilating because they've got together and reported all his posts and seemingly got him banned. Darned if I find that sort of response acceptable. In fact, it seems to demonstrate exactly the sort of cliquey self-congratulation that some people have accused CB of encouraging.

It also pushes this thread ever further down the page, which is disgraceful.

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oh a teapot - the best thing that I've seen on this page today - vinny, put the kettle please on while you're on your feet.......

sorry about the cake .......

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