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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Nigel Clough......?

The Prize is yours Robinia! What would you like. I've got a bottle of Martini, Red Wine, Tia Lusso, A box of biscuits and a box of Taste the Difference Chocs. All left over from Christmas. In fact you can have the lot...there you go....
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wow thanks Jude - that certainly beats a pair of plastic castanets from the bran tub. He's rather nice that Nigel - behave yourself, no trying to lead him astray with this week's special offers.
I can dream can't I? :o)
I'm going to say goodnight now Robinia hope I haven't left you on your own. Take care and thanks for the chat. Judexx
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That's what I'm going to do now - I hope. I've just realised I've not read the paper tonight for what it's worth. Just more dog poo, wheelie bins & the bloomin' bus station. Derby will never be a paradise - too many lovely old buildings gone.

Hope you all feel ok tomorrow - Ed will be coming in wearing a surgical mask.

Sweet dreams!

Morning Biddys,Hope everybody's feeling a lot better today.The weather's nice and sunny with a high of 11.and no wind here...not bad for jan.(and I ate a pound of sprouts yesterday...doh..!

May today be better than yesterday, but, not as good as tomorrow (:)

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Morning Vinny - this is my second attempt... I got as far as the grotto door once this morning & crashed. Thought we'd been demolished for one awful moment.

Lucky you to have mild weather - I've had to prise an inch of ice out of the bird baths!! Think the wind is going to gather speed later so I'm keeping the mask on for'll be a change for the milkman...think I was due to wear the scuba outfit this week.

Thanks everyone for the weather reports in parts of England even after all these years I still look to see what weather Manchester is having !and NO it doesn't rain there all the time ( it doesn't does it ?) I see you are all having the time of your lives (don't forget today is the only day that counts as a gift because it is the present ) I love all the photos and I have so many chuckles at all your answers .don't know what I'll do if the Biddygrotto goes down the gurgler.Just have to beg & plead with Biddies to send emails on a regular basis to me so I'm not left alone and lonely (quietly sniffles into hankie which is kept in my knicker leg !)
Morning all....
Nice and sunny here in Norfolk but we had a thick frost first thing. Hope you are all well morning.I feel much better today than I have the last few days. I shall be keeping up wind of Vinny as I don't want a relapse.
I am having a tea party this afternoon for my Aunt who is 87 today so I am busy making a Victoria sponge at the moment and have got one eye on the oven as I type.Knowing my luck it will go wrong and sink in the middle.This always happens when it's for something special.! Have a good day all.
Hope Smudge and Gessoo are feeling much better.

Robinia...leave that milkman alone!!

morning all, we had a really frosty start in Hampshire but its thawing rapidly. Have just done the post christmas fridge turnout....a piece of cheese actually leapt into the binbag of its own accord and the leftover sprouts (uncooked) smelt....well predigested is all that I can think of!!

Spent the weekend disposing of rat chewed plastic dustbins and replacing them with good old fashioned galvanised. Happily now the rat population is less numerous and cheeky so I can start feeding the birds again. One bold ratty chap actually came up to the house and peered through the french windows, which even I as a nature lover couldn't tolerate.

Heigh ho! the life of a lady of taste and refinement!!

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Morning shaneystar - that should read 2 Victoria sponges shouldn't it not a sponge? - what about us??? Glad you're feeling better it's amazing what a little sunshine can do for the spirits.

Dolly lovely to have you with us - what took you so far away? If you you've already said please excuse me - memory like a sieve.... please tell us all about yourself, well as much as you'd like to tell!

Apparently 20 seconds laughing is as good for you as 3 mins on a rowing machine. Does that mean that since this thread started we've 'rowed the Atlantic' between us?

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Hi woofgang - what no wheelie bins?? Bird population becoming very busy now - especially on thes brighter days. A pair of doves were preening each other yesterday in the bare cherry tree and four others were sitting in a perfect row on a branch opposite watching them like some kind of show.....mmmm...thought I was going to have to ask them to move to a conifer.

I've got to start the post xmas cupboard clear out....I really have to be better at throwing things out....just how many plastic ice cream tubs does one biddy need?

Morning Biddyfriends all.

As Shaney has said it's a really frosty morning in Norfolk, but the sun is shining. Feel much better today and I do believe the aches and pains are actually declining. Have not been eating a lot since my fall as apart from my appetite being virtually nil, it actually hurt my back when the food reached my tum???!!!!! Anyway, I stood on the scales this morning and I have put on 3 lbs!!!! Obviously lack of exercise. I shall have to try and do a 'walking stick workout' or join one of those exercise classes for the over 80's.

Would love to hear more about your life Dolly.

Robinia, I actually used to love Grand Prix when Damon Hill was about. I thought he was one of the best and most modest of all of them- and looked good too. Unfortunately, all the excitement has gone out of F1 now and it's just big business.

Hi dolly,Did you go to aussie on one of thoses �10 quid thingys in the sixties, or did your family go for nothing in the 1740s..He..He.I remember a bridge in the village of longham nr Bournemouth,and there was a sign saying"anybody damaging this bridge will be sent to australia"so I kicked it,but Im still here..Ha Ha.(:)
Yes Vinny we were 10 pound Poms in 1966 .Acouple of reasons for emigrating I couldn't stand the cold in Winter ,my hands used to curl up with the beginning of arthritis and my Dad was in the Navy during the War on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific,he loved Australia but couldn't persuade my Mam to leave England .I came instead with my husband and 4 children .We chose Queensland because of the weather ,it's reasonably warm even in Winter. I've not worn a coat since we came out ! cont......
We've been back home 4 times (last time was in 2000),Ilove Manchester but it's changed so much it's not really my Manchester anymore .I think when you had the Commonwealth Ganes (and did such a fantastic job despite the weather at the end ) I realised then it didn't really belong to me anymore but to the people who live there now I only hope they love it as muoh as I do. Getting quite maudlin now !We lived not far from Belle Vue ,anyone remember it ? Of course you do !
cont.....We've had a great life here made some very good friends now have 11 grandchildren and nearly 9 greatgrandchildren....... Our eldest daughter is living in Manchester just now ,she loves it and doesn't mind the weather at all ! the others are all living in Queensland . Well I think I've just about put you all to sleep by now so I'll say Goodnight and God Bless .Robinia if you 'd like to know anymore be happy to tell you .Thanks again for the Biddygrotto it's a lifesaver .Bye Dorothy

Just for you Dolly...(:)


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spooky vinny I was going to post that very pic - are you on there Dolly?? hehe we're cheeky aren't we ?

You're not at all maudlin, I for one, love to hear other people's tales......I think some of Vinny's are on another website, you know, one of those you don't want to be caught reading ;-)

My ex's family lived in & around Blackpool so we often stopped off to change stagecoaches in Manchester....and yes, it was always raining!

never mind the Biddybus Vinny, get yar pilots licence old boy. Aussie here we come chocsaway

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