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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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morning all - I can hear ya but I can't see ya. I'm still groping about in this damned dark - am I in Biddybank or the outside loo? Wooops what or who was that. Lucky Vinny going all Christmassy. I have to go to special bars at special times if I want to buy crackers etc - am on the hunt for an Xmas cake don't don't appear to be very lucky. thinks will look in the Bran tub maybe some kind soul has popped a cake in there with my name on it. Gerroff all of youse, it's mine!!!!
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Mornin you lively lot! Not just dark but a pea-souper outside too!! Hope you find your way to Biddyford ok Vinny, looking forward to seeing you eat your beard. There's a bit of that cold pizza left from last night neti if you fancy that but no cake sorry. I do think you could have brought us some loo paper, shaneystar or woofgang, much more of that Izal & I'm going to have to sit on the inflatables. It hasn't helped that I used Algipan instead of Germaloid cream in the dark - pants literally on fire.
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It's ok I've found some candles!!

i i i i i

How's that?.....WHAT???! Who's done this!!!!
Have those CBers been in here??

Well I have to admit I was tempted to buy the Xmas loo paper but the men of the house would not have been impressed ! Scrooges the lot of 'em !They think I go over the top as it is with deccies and so on.I am putting the tree up today .MR S. says why bother as we won't be here.I am going to cut the leccy off soon and make him sit in the dark with a candle if he keeps on. We've got late night shopping in the High St.tonight with the sea cadets band and Santa on the Lions Club sleigh and all sorts of other jollies.So I must look out my best skirt and blouse.Have a good day Biddys and Vinny of course.

The Misters Shaneystar can come to me for Christmas!!! No decorations this year, just a nice meal and a few little pressies. However, we are treating ourselves to a short break to Barcelona just after Christmas as our joint Christmas present to ourselves. I have now cheered up immensely.

I have sneaked a pressie into the Bran tub. Found a lovely tin of condensed milk at the back of the larder. The rust cleaned off quite well. I have also found my old hair piece from the 60's - real hair. It's a bit dusty and matted. (Could make a false beard for Vinny when he does his Santa Clause thing)

gessoo will you be in Barcelona on the night of the 5th January, as that is the big night over here - their Christmas in fact when the 3 kings arrive with presents for the kiddies. Actually they have adopted Christmas aswell, so if you are try to see the parade, will be enormous and great fun (watch out for pick-pockets though) and grab as many sweets as you can when they are thrown. Really interesting.
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Glad to see you're cheerier gessoo - sounds like a nice, quiet, cosy arrangent to me & when all the revellers are feeling deflated (or INflated with over-indulgence!) you'll still have something to look forward to!
(I think the AB monks might be fighting over that hairpiece).

Oooh Netti that sounds really good fun. We are going from 3rd to 7th January so we will be there!!!

gessoo but don't be fooled by the weather. it gets jolly cold at night. During the day take one of the tourist buses (either red or blue) and visit all the interesting places where you can either get off and walk round and then get on another similar bus ( no more paying) or stay on, mind you they are open topped and can get really cold late afternoon., I think the blue route is more interesting but it's all so cheap. If you go on the metro the ticket slots are on the left of the turnstyles - my hubby got very confused trying to put his ticket in the wrong side. Def see the Sagrada Familia cathedral it's amazing. Have a dunkin' donut for me - I love 'em.
gessoo obviously you have heard of Las Ramblas - go and see it, it's fab. Beware of your purse and hubby (there are ladyboys there!). All the people "statues" are amazing. If you visit the Plaza Real off the Ramblas, that's where I used to live in 72. Oh I love Barca. wish I was going.

Don't worry Netti, I shall be wearing my furry lined suede boots and shall take warm clothing - trousers and sweaters for the most part! Intend to do a lot of people watching as well. Just love sitting in bars and cafes watching the world go by. Just a bit worried in case there are any bulls about at Fiesta time. I would probably get on my soap box about animal cruelty and be booted out of town!

Any more tips you have would be very welcome. xx

p.s. I am freaked out by those people statues. I have a terrible fear of masks and clowns etc. Last Spanish fiesta I was at was at Easter time in Santa Eulalia, Ibiza (c.1973) We weren't sober for the whole week that we were there. Went on a freebie as I worked for an airline at the time. Oh, how times have changed! Now I am just an old biddy!!!!
gessoo I was here in Sta Eulalia in 1973. The Easter parade is really frightening with the "Klu Lux Klan" look-a-likes, first time I saw it I felt terrible and wondered what on earth was happening. Don't worry the 3 Kings will be grand but I've never seen a big parade only the ones here on Ibiza.


i think you have the right idea gessoo...this is why we are off to Germany ..I still had to put that darned tree up though !!
I hope you have a great time in Barcelona.

Blimey...I go shopping in Biddyford...have a few drinks in the pub..wake up..Biddygrotto's...gone...everybody's going to spain...(he he..if they think im driving the biddybus to spain..think again! spain james...i dont think so.are be in the back...drinking sangria..!)we know you drive netti....!

Dear ED....Please put this back on the front page...xx( :)..morning biddys..!

in case ed doesn't.....
Um Vinny in case you have forgotten I am already in Spain so will greet the Biddybus not drive it. Gessoo has the right idea bah humbug am in middle of putting up decs and am fed up already - no enthusiasm this year , All Biddybankers please come and help me to dec the halls. Ta
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Well I'll help you neti but I've no enthusiasm either. Had a really busy day - seen some lights & listened to the Sally Army playing carols but still no festive feelings. Haven't got the strength to hold a pen to write any cards so I'll just dip the dog's paw into some ink & let him stamp them!
On the plus side I got the glad eye from someone dressed as Wurzel Gummidge in the pub at lunchtime - he probably got a glimpse of me bloomers when I bent down to unwrinkle me surgical stockings.

ooh arrr sounds like it could be my husband Robinia. he left to play golf happily this morning and when he came back at 6pm he saw the trees and the decs and went straight to bed. I thought we were going out for dinner. He really does not like Christmas - it's another struggle for another year with him!!! Miserable varmint.

gessoo do try to visit the Picasso museum - it's near the Ramblas - and his earlier work was brilliant. Look for the "First Communion" it really touched me.

Now off the watch "Chicken Run" by the warm fire and leave Mr Netibiza to his woes.

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