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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Good morning all who's up and about this fine sunday morning? (passes round a tray of strong tea well fortified with rum and a jar of sugar with a wet teaspoon)

Mr W has taken out the dog and left me to enjoy a quiet cuppa and pull my thoughts together....bless him

got this off the ads on the right, looks very seasonal and obviously turned up here because the Biddy Grotto is the heart of christmas,,HGTV_22056_37027,00.html

Morning all .Is anyone here it's so dark ,can't see a thing (damn just fell over the brantub and spilt me cocoa in it ,oh well noone here they'll never know ) (Candles suddenly burst into flame and all the Bidddies are looking at me with accusing eyes ) Hiya everyone ,it wasn't me ,it rained in the night and came thru the hole in the roof ,wet the bran tub . (noone believes me ,I'll sneak out for a while .) Bye for now !!!!!!!1
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Morning woofgang & cheers - I really need that this morning, can you pour a bit of that rum on my weety-pops as well please?

Love the craft site - I'll have half a dozen of today's project in the bran tub by tea-time & all for a mere �250. Take a look at 4th December - it's Vinny sitting in a bucket of ice !.... hahaha.....

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Hey Dolly - never mind sneaking out! It must be your turn to clean the lav out the back (non of those wipey things either - we like it scrubbed & bleached) & fill up the paraffin lamp as well please. I can't go if the seat's cold.
Morning all..!..sunny and chilly here...take a look at no 3...looks like a Jockstrap ...or is that one of Robinia's ear muffs..ha..ha...Dolly..dont forget to stock up the loo...with 4 inch square toilet paper...sunday times the trick..!...(:)
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No Vinny that's me halter - neck frock!! It looks a treat over a liberty bodice.
Do one thing wrong and you get all the dirty jobs givento you! Is there any one willing to clean the lav ( the way Robinia wants it done) for a half full box of Christmas crackers ?Will the News of the World do Vinny? don't get the Sunday Times ,I like the excitement of the NOTW !!teehee.
Morning all - better day today though it's freezing, well almost. Mr N and I have been to the city of Ibiza to see the Xmas decs and the stalls of trash and glitter (no not Gary) and thebig Nativity scene they put up in the main square. Am now cooking a Roast lamd etc. and he is sitting round the log fire watching footy. Ahh bless all's quiet on the Ibicenco front. I need new tights are there any in the Bran Tub. Only wear them at Christmas and last year's have a huge hole in them but I wore them today anyway as my long skirt covered 'em. By heck I am a treasure to behold.
I mean of course Lamb - my typign is getting atrocious. Where's smudge she hasn't been around for ages. Not lost in the Bran tub is she - can anyone see her legs sticking out????


Not checked 'ere for a couple of days.....up to 150 posts now....poor old Robinia's inbox!

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Hey BOO - less of the OLD...the poor bit's right tho'!!

Think that qualifies you for lav duty'd better hope that Dolly's made a good job of it today!

Hi ya all. I'm back for a bit. Found a brill air freshener for the lav it blows little puffs of scent into the air. Want some neti. If you up the bribe for cleaning the lav I'll do it. A free holiday should do it!!!
Sorry neti I thought it was your turn to clean the lav - got it wrong again!! I suppose I'd better do it then!!
Blimey...Ive spotted Smudge in news, i dont know if ive got this right..cant find me specs...but mr smudge woke up this morning..and had a big Bang..!Smudge didn't feel a thing...she had her ear plugs in..well i nearly choked on me chocky cake...( :)
Was that you I saw Vinny as I was walking Shane about half past three. A sleigh came past and Santa was waving frantically at me! Of course I waved back.I'm sure he was brandishing a pair of fishnets !
If you don't behave you will be on lavy duty tomorrow. !!
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this was my plea for sightings of smudge, Vinny so we know she's about. No wonder she hasn't heard us calling her if she's got her earplugs in. I'll have to turn the volume up on the Bing Bong.
....Now about this choccy cake you've been scoffing in secret.....!!

Forget the lav duty girls - and never mind tomorrow shaneystar... Vinny's doing it ALL WEEK!!!

Good cos I really didn't want to do it!

I've just had a young lad ring my doorbell and when I opened it he started singing we wish you a merry christmas. Now I'm not a miserable s -- but I do think it's a bit early so I told him to go away.

I'm I sounding like Scrooge?

Am I even

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Thanks for the warning Jude he might be heading this way.......turns out lights in front room....

It's not that it's early that I mind so much but what I do hate is when they knock first...sing one line... & knock again!! We used to sing for about half an hour before we got so much as a tanner!

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