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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hooray!! My clapping monkey's just fallen off the table - think I overwound him in the excitement.

Vinny how do ya stop the chimps?? Ta ra ra boom de ay.....My dog had pups today.....

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woofgang can you keep throwing the leccy man a beer up - if he ever comes down the AB will have a helluva bill to pay & they'll make us do community service.

If we keep this ticking over until xmas how many posts will we have? Can somebody get their abacus out please? Do I start again when it goes off the page?

Robinia....have you been at the Wincarnis again !!
At this rate I shall have to go up the shed and find my hurricane lamp ! Failing that I think I have an old box of prices candles somewhere... I think they are tucked behind me blue bags.....
(throws beer yells up to dancing lecky man) Mind your head....oh sorry I thought you were dancing the other way anyone got a ladder and some elastoplast?? oh look he's waving...perhaps I'd better go indoors again.....
Make sure there loads of peach schnapps and orange juice in the house (only Archers mind). And I do get drunk quite easily so someone standing behind to catch me would be nice.

It would appear that Vinny is backin out the door sharpish Peri, cant think why!!!


Hands over a carefully re-wrapped parcel as a prezzy, it's Vicks, I know your not keen on the 'vest sticking to you' bit, but it dont half shift colds!

Hi all and Happy Birthday Peri!!
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Hi Jude - glad you found us!

Morning all .....zzzzzz....I can't wake up this morning....I had a busy night - had to go to Mrs BiddyBody, curtain twitcher par excellance, at no 67 to put a Twink perm on her hair. By the time she'd finished telling me all about old Bert's 'plumbing' problem & Stella Stilleto's latest romp with the window cleaner her hair was dissolving. Left her wearing a sequined hairnet & now I've got to whizz past her house on me sheepdog on wheels so she doesn't spot where's the wd40? - old Shep's got a squeak....

Morning grotty biddybankers.... err is that right???? Another fiesta here today, had one on Tuesday, so the Xmas season is really under way now. Must get the decs out soon but for the first time in my life just haven't got the energy. Lovely sunny day here but a tad chilly. By the way Robinia that unidentified tin of soup`from the Bran tub was mouldy old rhubarb but told Mr Neti that it was a french soup so he ate it.
Where is everyone?? Is the place crowded but since Vinny fused all the lights I can't see a thing! Please shout if you are here!!
Hi all again I'm here but not for long I'm going into the city to see the lights and do a bit of shopping. Hope you're all ok and not got too much of a hangover after the last fiesta! May join you again when I get back! :o)
P.S. I'll bring you something nice back to eat and maybe drink........
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Phew here I am! - helloooo where are you all?
I forgot there were no brakes on old Shep & I finished up flying over his head into a skip....which was on the back of a's been a long walk back from the scrapyard.

Thanks Jude bring us something nice back from town!!

neti sorry about the rhubarb, smudge could have made us a crumble with that.

No Robinia - it crumbled on it's own!!!!

There doesn't seem to be many of you here tonight(you obviously haven't got over the last binge) so I'll just leave all the booze and pizzas etc I brought back from town for you and say goodnight as I'm up at 6 again tomorrow. I'm out tomorrow night so if anybody is here on Saturday I'll join you then Niiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt all. Enjoy! :o)

G'night Jude......hope you've taken your warm house brick (see post several ones above this re hotties!) to bed with you tonight, it's a cold 'un!
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Hi Jude sorry I just missed you - thanks for the goodies, looks like I've got them all to myself. Hope you threw something up to the leccy man on the roof. How was town? It was on Central news - was that you in your Lederhosen getting plastered in the German market??

Now what's in this bag?.....ding dong granny's getting high.....

Well I have been slogging round the shops today with my trolley !!
I saw the latest thing for Xmas today in Marks and Sparks. Toilet paper ..printed with Christmas trees and little Santas.!!
I was very tempted...much better than Izal...but Mr.S. dragged me away.
because i am that sad person, i have the loo roll and the matching kitchen roll. We don't use either tho' just put then out for decoration then save till next year, we still use the bronco in the loo and hubbys old Y fronts (well boiled first of course) in the kitchen
Mor-ning..Biddys.guess where im of to this morning...Biddyford...!.are be sleighing me way down the Atlantic highway.. to the ..Atlantic village..its one of thoses out-of-town..50% off shopping thingys..ive told the other half..if theres 50% off, are eat me beard..!plus there's free mince-pies...!well must oil the reindeers..catch you later bidds.( :)

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